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Thread: RPE And How It's Ineffective - Starting Strength Radio Previews

  1. #11
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    This RPE bullshit is exactly that. It would give me a headache just trying to figure it out.

    What a time we live in, when people just can't accept simple facts and straight forward results.

    Maybe this is some kind of woke thing that only the enlightened can understand.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Los Alamos, NM


    Quote Originally Posted by William MG View Post
    This RPE bullshit is exactly that. It would give me a headache just trying to figure it out.

    Don’t try. In its original powerlifting/strength training presentation it was RPE= 9 meant one rep left in the tank, (for example). Of course the only way to know is to try one more rep. And, while getting one more, begs trying one more after that, etc, missing one more, was what you were trying to avoid in your training to begin with. None of us have time for solving a training paradox.

    While the usage has relaxed to mean “how you feel”, it’s only a defense of the indefensible. Humans do that successfully all the time.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    I ran an RPE-based powerlifting template once in preparation for a meet and had great results. A few years later I reviewed my training log from that program and realized it was literally just a weekly linear progression. I added approximately 5-10 lbs to my work sets each week without exception. I think for me, the psychology behind it was "Well, I did that weight for those reps at that RPE last week, and if I want to make progress I have to go up at least a little, so I'll try it with a few more pounds this week."

    At the time I was wholly bought-in to RPE-based training, so it was amusing when I went back and realized I had just been adding 5lbs a week almost regardless of what the RPE called for.

  4. #14
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    Jul 2019


    Seems to me keeping some tabs on how close you feel to failure from workout to workout might be useful. Using it to select your work weights, however, seems like inviting human nature to ruin your training. It's so inaccurate, especially for stuff like squats and deadlifts. Squats I have found many times I have been able to do sets of 5 when I wasn't sure even rep 4 was gonna make it up. And the further you are from an "RPE 10" effort, the more inaccurate it becomes. Can you REALLY tell you had 5 reps left? Also, even if an effort is technically "RPE 10", as in you could not have performed another rep, that doesn't mean you couldn't have also completed that set with a weight that was a bit heavier.

  5. #15
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    I have mixed feelings, there are experienced lifters that obviously use it well but I tried using RPE for 6 months and found that most of my lifts either stayed the same or started to drift backwards. Obviously I have to take the blame for this as I allowed the drift to happen but I can honestly say I used I never deliberately put less weight on the bar and only tried to use RPE as instructed.

    Going back to NLP I've got my squat back up to where it was and progress is going nicely, I learned that I need the intensity to be fairly high to know what a heavy set feels like, 120kg only feels easy when I'm lifting 140kg but lower the weight and 120kg will feel heavy again. Last night I really didn't want to do the last two squats but I did them anyway and they moved great which shows me that I can't reliably trust my perception as not wanting to do something isn't the same as not being able to.

  6. #16
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    Dec 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Roobo View Post
    I have mixed feelings, there are experienced lifters that obviously use it well but I tried using RPE for 6 months and found that most of my lifts either stayed the same or started to drift backwards. Obviously I have to take the blame for this as I allowed the drift to happen but I can honestly say I used I never deliberately put less weight on the bar and only tried to use RPE as instructed.

    Going back to NLP I've got my squat back up to where it was and progress is going nicely, I learned that I need the intensity to be fairly high to know what a heavy set feels like, 120kg only feels easy when I'm lifting 140kg but lower the weight and 120kg will feel heavy again. Last night I really didn't want to do the last two squats but I did them anyway and they moved great which shows me that I can't reliably trust my perception as not wanting to do something isn't the same as not being able to.
    Imagine if those experienced lifters didn't fuck around with RPE, and instead just planned their intermediate/advanced training and stuck with the plan instead? They'd be further ahead than they are by using "feel" to choose the weight. Just because someone makes some degree of progress, doesn't mean that it's optimal.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    Rip is the granddaddy of trolling. Every time he talks about RPE or trap bars a shockwave of horror ripples through YouTube as fitness ‘influencers’ scurry out to denounce his heresy. Rip should get a cut of their YouTube income for pushing their views up.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Anders View Post

    My wife got home after my workout and she asked how it went. As I was telling her about my warmups and how I was feeling at the time, she looked me in the eye and asked "What would Rip say?"
    Eat more, your too skinny.

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