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Thread: High School Football Question

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisNaron View Post
    We’ve had a pretty good debate yesterday morning. Then we went ahead and won last night and got into the playoffs for the first time in a decade. So, I’ll keep at it. I have an ace in the hole with a former coach who’s currently a state record holder in the squat. I had originally run the NLP by him two years ago, and he enthusiastically agreed with it. I’m going to try to bring him in. As entertaining as watching Rip tell someone to engage in sexual intercourse with themselves would be, I’d like to keep a good thing going.

    A good book to read on this is pre-suasion by Robert Cialdini.

  2. #12
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    IMO, the question for the head coach should be asking himself is "what part of physical performance needs to be improved". If it is strength then answer = SS. If it is speed then answer = SS and practice involves less cardio and more short sprints.

    Try to get to the right performance conversation first, training prescription comes after that (and will always involve significant strength focus).

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Le Comte View Post
    IMO, the question for the head coach should be asking himself is .
    You clearly do not understand head coaches.

  4. #14
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    Or you could try the truth and tell the HC that you ran it by some experts in the field who explained to you that additional work will break the kids down, not build them up and will put them at risk for injury. Make it seem like you want to, but "experts" told you it would ultimately be too much. If the HC is as much of a pussy as he is a moron he will be afraid of getting sued for making the kids do too much work, and these same "experts" will testify at the trial.

    Also explain that most of the videos of people doing explosive hopscotch and jumps and shit are genetic elites, outliers and/or professional athletes/scholarship athletes. Your kids are simply average to good. Genetic outliers can recover from too much work, but kids who are average to good cannot. They can, however, just get cock strong.

  5. #15
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    FWIW, we won our first playoff game since the mid 90s. We have this one kid, a defensive lineman, who came in as a freshman squatting 85 lbs. Now he’s a junior squatting 450. He actually plays both ways and was pretty gassed in the second quarter. But his strength got him through as the other team started to fade. By the 4th quarter he was chasing running backs down like a cheetah.

  6. #16
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    And the head coach thinks that his brilliant tacticianship carried the team.

  7. #17
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    Based on the team's improvement I'm sure the HC knows his X's and O's regarding football.
    Based on the 2 Factor Model of Sports Performance the HC should just Stay in His Lane and coach football. Leave the strength training to ChrisNaron.

  8. #18
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    He is constitutionally incapable of doing this.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lost and Found View Post
    Based on the team's improvement I'm sure the HC knows his X's and O's regarding football.
    Based on the 2 Factor Model of Sports Performance the HC should just Stay in His Lane and coach football. Leave the strength training to ChrisNaron.
    I heard an interesting discussion the other day on Robb Wolff's podcast between him and Chris Kresser. It was about NOT staying in one's lane. Kresser was explaining that scientific thought and knowledge advanced mightily in the twentieth century through the development of specialists who "stayed in their lane." But that too much specialization leads to (my interpretation and summary of his words) blinders, dogmatism and the absence of cross fertilization. That "experts" in one field should freely apply their expertise and perspective to other fields, using their howledge skills and experience to guide and inform their analyses. Sort of like how geologists are free to analyse human movement and opine on economics/politics/sociology etc.

    The takeaway of the discussion was that, in Kresser's opinion, in order for 21st century scientific gains to be made, there needs to be less staying in ones lane. Get out of your lanes, everybody and let your opinions (educated and informed, I hope) be heard.

    By the way, what lane did Galileo belong in? DaVinci?

    Fuck Joe Biden and all his friends.

  10. #20
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by FatButWeak View Post
    I heard an interesting discussion the other day on Robb Wolff's podcast between him and Chris Kresser. It was about NOT staying in one's lane. Kresser was explaining that scientific thought and knowledge advanced mightily in the twentieth century through the development of specialists who "stayed in their lane." But that too much specialization leads to (my interpretation and summary of his words) blinders, dogmatism and the absence of cross fertilization. That "experts" in one field should freely apply their expertise and perspective to other fields, using their howledge skills and experience to guide and inform their analyses. Sort of like how geologists are free to analyse human movement and opine on economics/politics/sociology etc.

    The takeaway of the discussion was that, in Kresser's opinion, in order for 21st century scientific gains to be made, there needs to be less staying in ones lane. Get out of your lanes, everybody and let your opinions (educated and informed, I hope) be heard.

    By the way, what lane did Galileo belong in? DaVinci?

    Fuck Joe Biden and all his friends.
    I think I have read every book on how experts become experts and every scientific paper. And every book and paper on expertise disagrees with Kressner. What any of that has to do with Biden, I have no idea.

    Staying in your lane is exactly what the football coach should do because his ignorant coach who coached him in high school on how to lift weights did not know anything either. He took the ignorance he learned from his coach when he was in high school and now he wants to apply it to his football players. This is extremely ignorant. The reality is, if he knew how to lift weights, he wouldn't need the current strength coach who is obviously much better than the ignorant head coach. What makes the head coach dangerous is he is ignorant but he BELIEVES FALSELY that he knows something and he lets his ego get in the way instead of deferring to the expert. The head coach needs to get educated and someone should just randomly drop a SS book on his desk which might or might not get through his thick head.

    It is sort of like Coach Rippetoe: I don't question him on weightlifting expertise. I've bought and read every book he wrote and the dvd he put out a long time ago. He may or may not be an expert in something else but on the subject of weightlifting, I know that he is. He was fortunate to train and get coached by high-level people who put him on a different level. This is one of the primary problems with deliberate practice: you MUST have an expert coach and most people don't and most people have no idea their coach is ignorant.

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