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Thread: Help Mark, I think I might secretly be a coward

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2021

    Unhappy Help Mark, I think I might secretly be a coward

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello, first a little bit of background about myself
    I am 26 years young
    5'7" 190lbs
    I have a history of lifting through high school and played football.
    I did the Wendler 5/3/1 out of high school and gained a good amount of weight went from 155-205
    My 1rm lifts when I was 22 after 5/3/1 were as follows:
    Bench press: 240
    Press: 140
    squat: 320
    DL: 405

    Now I mention when I was 22 because I quit lifting seriously around that time, I started doing work as a bouncer while in university and put my time into Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing as they were more appropriate to the work I was doing.

    Fast forward to now and I am back into lifting whole hog. Started doing Starting Strength novice Phase 1 in October.

    Now here is my issue.

    Yesterday I missed my Friday workout I am in the process of applying to Law School and had to spend the day with some people going over some paperwork and references.

    Today is the first day I failed.

    Today my working sets were to be as follows:
    Squat: 255
    Press: 80
    Deadlift: 300

    I got into the gym, hit the bike for 10 minutes, did my warm up sets and....Hit my first working set of squats and I fucked it, I'm not sure what I did but I was only able to get 4 reps on my first set, even though earlier this week 250 felt fine (i even switched the app to only add 5lbs this time). This pissed me off so much I think I fucked up my next set as well I was only able to get 2 and on my last rep I heard my lower back crunch (kind of like when you play linebacker and meet the fullback or running back in the gap). I was so pissed off I moved on to press, crushed those lifts and didn't even attempt my Deads today I told myself I was worried about my back but now that I am home, I feel as though my ego was the only thing that got hurt.

    So here is my question...Am I just a coward? Why did I fail at such a low weight? What do I do now...I already backed off the weight and I know the blue book says to attempt a weight for 2 workouts to account for a possible bad day but man am I pissed off.

    TL;DR I failed today and need advice on what to do next.

    I have attached my progression to the post hopefully you can see it.

    Also I live in Canada and have no real way to get into contact with a S/S trainer.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Do today's workout on Monday. Stop being a coward. Finish all the sets and all the reps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2020


    What part of Canada?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Put on your big boy pants, stop belittling your self, accept that there are bad days, and get back in the game!

    Oh and double check Rips primary recommendations.

    Bad days in the gym hurt your ego, but they still happen. The question is do you keep showing up even though things get tough? I can tell you from experience that life under the bar will teach you many lessons about life outside the gym!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Kalin View Post
    What part of Canada?
    Victoria, B.C.


    Today felt better.

    My form wasn't what id like it to be on the squat, I suspect my hips are weak from not lifting for awhile, knees were starting to cave in and I could feel myself getting too vertical through the spine.

    Noted and it'll be fixed next session.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyLifting View Post
    Victoria, B.C.
    Craig Bearrs is in Vancouver. He runs the East Van Barbell club. He’s an SSC. I think he’s pretty good. He trained me. Drove out there from Kimberley to work with him a few months ago. If there is a personal message function on here I’ll see if he minds me giving you his number.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyLifting View Post
    Victoria, B.C.


    Today felt better.

    My form wasn't what id like it to be on the squat, I suspect my hips are weak from not lifting for awhile, knees were starting to cave in and I could feel myself getting too vertical through the spine.

    Noted and it'll be fixed next session.
    Hey, here’s Craig’s E mail, he said it was ok to post it up here

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2021


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Kalin View Post
    Hey, here’s Craig’s E mail, he said it was ok to post it up here
    Damn thanks!

    Ill see if I can scoot over there sometime before christmas!

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