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Thread: Aging is a disease ?

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeevOl View Post
    David and his team using the Yamanaka factors - discovered first by Shinya Yamanaka - and those are Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc . They first used all 4 of them to retrive the lost epigenetic information from the mouse's eye cells , and the mice got a number of tumors and died .
    In the second experiment , they took off the c - Mys and tried it again , and the blind mice has gotten the vision back (and by their calculations , the cells in the eye got young again - god knows how) . It's greatly astonishing .
    By the way , there are studies in the process right now about NMN (Nicotinamide mononucleotide) coupled with Resveratrol that wants to figure out if those two can actually help fight aging by increasing the NAD levels in the cells of the body , and thus making them work better so old people can do regular stuff again (moving , going outside , lifting weights better etc .. ) .
    Its not a question of if it will happen , its the question when it will happen . Yes there are a lot of stuff to figure out in the way , but hey , the technological advancement is going so fast in the last decade and Super computers powered by AI will help those guys to make this process a reality sooner that we are capble to imagine .
    This at least are my thoughts .
    If humanity wins aging , humanity wins it all .
    Given the events of the past 2 years, do really believe that these people are interested in extending anyone's lifespan?

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeevOl View Post
    I read David Sinclair's book recently : "Lifespan - why we age and why we don't have to" , and I must say that the way I look at aging now is very different than the way I was looking at it a couple of month ago .
    He restates the four words : "Aging is a disease" over and over again and he also elaborates the way that the medical sector tries to "CURE" the mainly driven diseases by aging process such as : heart disease , dementia , etc ..
    by instead telling people to move more , lift heavies weights , eat healthy , doing it by spending money on pharmaceuticals that eventually putting havoc on their bodies .

    In here : Lifespan Expanded: The Scientific Quest For A Fountain Of Youth - YouTube , he and other scientists that are in the leading research to how to reverse aging or even prevent it , explains all about it .
    One of the intrensting things that I saw there is cellular reprogramming . David is working on it right now and already shown that by reprogramming the cells in a blind mouse's eye , the eye started to work again .
    What are your thoughts on it ? Wouldn't it be cool to "go back in time" to the younger years of ourselves and being healthy again (and possibly lift heavy squats and dealifts) ?
    If the reprogramming really will work in humans , hell , the possebilities it will open for humanity are mindblowing !
    Michael West has been working on this for about 20 years.

    I know it seems like a simple thing to just stop the body from aging and dying, but it's a huge undertaking. Probably would be the single-most important discovery of all time.

    West explains how it will likely be accomplished: Michael D. West - Aging Will Be Cured - YouTube

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Given the events of the past 2 years, do really believe that these people are interested in extending anyone's lifespan?
    Not all of them , but David Sinclair is .
    In the book , he describes the way he saw his mother dying : she was a long time smoker and got a lung cancer which followed by amputation of one of her lungs .
    She lived a couple of years - very brutal years with only one lung.
    The day she died he was with her at the hospital and he saw his own mother suffocating because the lung that left stopped functioning altogether .
    There are a lot of suffering because of aging and espacially aging related diseases , so he want to prevent it and maybe reverse it (I know he will after finishing reading the book) .
    This guy is narrowcasting (as you have mantioned about the SS method) - not all people will understand or agree with what he is doing and tring to achieve .
    He also wrote in the book about those "bureaucrats" and Senior government officials that are refuse to be acquainted with the fact that aging is a disease and that funding is needed for those who wish to address it and stop it .
    What the government funding instead ? Lockdowns and paying people to stay at home and not work . Its very sad .

    Quote Originally Posted by David.Lewis View Post
    Michael West has been working on this for about 20 years.

    I know it seems like a simple thing to just stop the body from aging and dying, but it's a huge undertaking. Probably would be the single-most important discovery of all time.

    West explains how it will likely be accomplished: Michael D. West - Aging Will Be Cured - YouTube
    Just imagine : humans will be able to get far beyond the sollar system's limit , and even beyond if the cell reprogramming will work not just once , but maybe , just maybe , forever .

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeevOl View Post
    Not all of them , but David Sinclair is. In the book, he describes the way he saw his mother dying : she was a long time smoker and got a lung cancer which followed by amputation of one of her lungs .
    She lived a couple of years - very brutal years with only one lung.
    One good thing about smoking is that you get to choose the way you want to die, and make that happen. I'm not sure that we should use medical technology to reverse this voluntary, conscious process.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeevOl View Post
    Not all of them , but David Sinclair is .
    In the book , he describes the way he saw his mother dying : she was a long time smoker and got a lung cancer
    His iPSC therapy is thought to be inherently tumorigenic.

    Quote Originally Posted by David.Lewis View Post
    West explains how it will likely be accomplished: Michael D. West - Aging Will Be Cured - YouTube
    Claimed in the first 30 seconds: biotech companies looking for patents and money (and interviews at the "Strategic Investment Conference") are immune to the replication crisis. Sure.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shiva Kaul View Post
    His iPSC therapy is thought to be inherently tumorigenic.

    Claimed in the first 30 seconds: biotech companies looking for patents and money (and interviews at the "Strategic Investment Conference") are immune to the replication crisis. Sure.
    Yes , at least at the begining .
    The c -Myc factor was the tumor enhancing factor , so they stopped using it and then no tumors had appeared and the cells in the eyes got young again and their function has returned .

  7. #17
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    c-myc wasn't the only cause. But I'm glad to hear the major safety hazard / research problem was completely solved by a paper which only tangentially addressed it.

  8. #18
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    These are the best ways to prevent or slow aging and will remain so for some time:
    -Select parents that live to 125 years old
    -Don't smoke crack
    -Avoid high levels of radiation
    -Stay physically strong
    -Sleep more

    If you think Bill Gates is concerned about population control now, wait until aging has been cured.

    The cure for aging will not come from some Harvard laboratory or government-funded research; It will come from an unheralded and underfunded project by the next Edison, Tesla, Ford or Musk.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Given the events of the past 2 years, do really believe that these people are interested in extending anyone's lifespan?
    I think they might be interested in extending theirs/their masters'. But that's about it.

  10. #20
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    "Reversing aging" seems like a poor approach. Perhaps regeneration could be more interesting. I think there was some work on examining a lizard's ability to regenerate, but that study has long floated away from the memory of my aging brain. Look it up.

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