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Thread: Commentary #6: Global Warming

  1. #491
    Join Date
    Feb 2024
    Northern Oregon Coast

    Default Bezmenov is laughing from his grave.

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    My neighbor is furious with me.

    We've had a long stretch of cold, rainy, windy storms, but today was a crystal-clear, mild sparkler. I bumped into my neighbor and simply said, "Wow, what a gorgeous day!" He seemed very unhappy. I asked if everything was okay, and he plunged into a dark rant - you know when spittle is collecting on both sides of the mouth - about how THIS is climate change, and life on Earth is going to be wiped out if we (excluding him, of course) don't DO something. I didn't bite, but simply told him I was sorry he felt upset on such a beautiful day. He #%$! lost it, and demanded to know why I too wasn't upset, given that in a few years my house is going to be completely underwater when the polar sea ice melts. Lol.

    First, I'm at the beach, but my house's foundation is 50' above sea level. Sure, when the Cascadia megathrust fault right out in front of me has a full margin rupture, generates the 5th or 6th largest earthquake in recorded history, and sends a 100'+ tsunami ashore in 10 minutes, the entire town will be planed off the map, but until then ...

    Second, the guy has a PhD in eco-biology, yet doesn't know that even if all of the sea ice melts, it won't raise the sea level a millimeter because, you know, Archimedes and shit.

    This is the same guy who told me that "we need to ban all high-caliber, high-powered, fully-automatic military assault gun like the AR-47, because they're the weapon of choice of white supremacist mass shooters."

  2. #492
    Join Date
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    Default There is no Planet B

    Neighbor update:

    He texted me and apologized - kinda sorta - but went on to explain that it's because he's suffering from "severe climate trauma."

  3. #493
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    The man is mentally ill. Be careful with him.

  4. #494
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Albany, Western Australia


    How did your crazy neighbour get your phone number?

  5. #495
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    Default Valsalva. Forever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    The man is mentally ill. Be careful with him.
    Honestly, I'm amazed "severe climate trauma" is not in the DSM-5 yet. Give it time.

    He actually believes, and has been crystal clear about it, that "deniers" like you and me are the mentally ill sociopaths. And he's not the only one.

    Even in my tiny beach town of 1500, almost every single city council, planning, public works, design review, and budget meeting has climate change insinuate its way into the discussion.

    If you had told me many moons ago when I was earning my degree in geophysics and being taught by world-class scientists, that people in the future would be hysterical that exhaling was going to obliterate all life on Earth, there is no way in God's creation that I would have believe you. I am still incredulous.

    And again, as I said earlier, the most astounding thing is that the insanity - insanity that beggars the mind - is merely an artifact of not having a basic freshman understand of logic, statistics, and double-entry accounting. Those three subjects should form the basic foundation of a program in intellectual self-defense. Without them, it is trivial to hack people's minds and install a mental virus that can never be scrubbed out. The damage to their "operating system" is complete, and permanent. And they infect others!

    To me, interacting with people is like being in a never-ending bizarre dream.

  6. #496
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    The problem with blaming climate change for extreme weather damage — The New Atlantis

    Still, there has been no shortage of tragedies associated with extreme weather events in recent decades. But where they do occur, it is almost entirely due to failures of institutions and infrastructure, not the additional extremity of the weather event due to climate change. Two under-engineered and long-neglected dams in the divided country of Libya, racked for years by civil war, fail, sending a torrent of flood water into a large city and killing thousands. While Lahaina, Hawaii, is ablaze, Maui authorities fail to send out an evacuation warning and close the main road out of the city, as fire hydrants run dry amid years-long fights over water supply, resulting in a hundred avoidable deaths. Katrina, a strong but not exceptional hurricane, makes landfall over New Orleans, a city that sits mostly below sea level with a large low-income population living in the shadow of levees that haven’t been properly built or maintained, killing well over a thousand.

    These disasters were human-caused. But the human causes that turned these extreme events into terrible disasters were failures of infrastructure and institutions. Climate change was not the decisive factor.

  7. #497
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    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Cascadian View Post
    And again, as I said earlier, the most astounding thing is that the insanity - insanity that beggars the mind - is merely an artifact of not having a basic freshman understand of logic, statistics, and double-entry accounting. Those three subjects should form the basic foundation of a program in intellectual self-defense. Without them, it is trivial to hack people's minds and install a mental virus that can never be scrubbed out. The damage to their "operating system" is complete, and permanent. And they infect others!
    Propaganda is not concerned with logic, but emotions. Lousy education does have something to do with this, but the success of the operation is almost entirely due to the incessant propaganda. If the television keeps telling you that exhaling will cause global extinction, as it does, logic and reason goes out the window. I find that people with a university degree are much more susceptible to the climate propaganda than high school graduates. It probably has to do with the fallacy of authority.

  8. #498
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    Default Do you want it in blue?

    Ah, the good old used car sales assumptive close.

    Alarmists have done an excellent job selling the idea that "climate change" causes more extreme weather, by simply assuming it's obviously true.

    But where is the coherent theoretical explanation for why this would be true, and the evidence - not model output, real data - supporting the claim? You can't find either with a microscope.

    So let's ignore the fact that "average global temperature" is an ill-posed, thermodynamically meaningless term.

    And let's ignore the fact that there is no way in God's creation we can statistically significantly separate out the anthropogenic signal from the extremely variable natural signal - a signal that has countless contributing dynamics that vary in frequency from 400 million years (as our solar system passes through spiral arms of the galaxy), to tens of millions of years (as plate tectonics completely transform ocean currents), to hundreds of thousands and tens of thousand of years (known as the Milankovitch cycles, as the Earth's orbital parameters change because of Jupiter's gravitational pull), and on and on, down to days, hours and seconds (from turbulence down to the smallest scales, cosmic ray bombardment, and countless other factors).

    But use your Cartesian common sense.

    If the Earth gets warmer, it is the higher latitudes that warm (or cool), hence periods of polar ice and no polar ice; the tropics, with their highly efficient convective throughput, tend to maintain a very stable temperature regime regardless.

    So if higher latitude regions warmed a smidge and the tropics stay the same, then the temperature differential between them narrows, and it is temperature differences that drive weather.

    So wouldn't common sense tell you weather extremes would narrow?

    Btw, try this experiment. Next time you have a hyperventilating alarmist in front of you, ask: "If Gaia herself told you that ALL of the imagined anthropogenic climate changes are in fact of 100% natural origin, would you still want to combat those natural changes at all cost?"

    If the answer is yes, then the person is a pathological narcissist.

    If the answer is no, then the person doesn't have a problem with the climate (even though they don't even know what "climate" means), they have a problem with humans. They hate man. They are misanthropes.

    We are not in the "Anthropocene." We are in the Misanthropocene.

    We are in an age where people's minds have been obliterated, to the point where they hate themselves and all other humans, and imagine Earth would be pure and holy without us.

    In the Misanthropocene, it is a sin to be human.

  9. #499
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    Good one, Cascadian. Ask Bre for your shirt.

  10. #500
    Join Date
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    Northern Oregon Coast


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Good one, Cascadian. Ask Bre for your shirt.
    Thanks, Rip. She's on it. My Staving Off Death shirt arriving tomorrow.

    I'm already the local eye candy, but that thing's going to be an irresistible magnet for chicks with daddy issues.

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