On skis?
On skis?
Well, maybe I used an incorrect name. It's the squat with back against the wall.
Why does a diagnosis of serious reactive arthritis (?) mean that you have to train ineffectively?
Because my knees hurt so much that without back support I'd fall on my back with the first squat. I have to support myself with hands to get off the toilet. But there is no physical damage to the joint. So I guess this wouldn't be the worst idea...
What wouldn't be the worst idea? Squatting in a way that places all the stress on your knees and none on your hips? Or learning to balance without a wall?
OK, Smith machine then? There is no way I could make a normal barbell squat.
OK, this was stupid. How about the box squat?
You're killing me here.
Isn't it ironic that the guy who can't/won't squat has a picture of a guy squatting next to his name.