Thanks Rip, I'll always be there for my dad. And will push him into moderate training.
What's weird is he's supposedly had ALS for 4 years, but can still walk (definitely leg muscle wastage tho) but no change to voice or speech. Voice is still pretty robust.
He got J&J and Moderna jabs 4 years ago. I'm not saying it's that, but a physician (esp. in Boston) won't even consider that possibility. A second opinion wouldn't hurt IMO, but I'm not trying to give myself hopium.
Sorry to belabor this Rip, doctor confirmed a very slow progressing ALS: "if this you were to get Lou Gehrig's, this is the one you'd want" - she said.
Anyway, I picked him up a home gym used off of Craigslist. He's open and willing to being trained, feels like he got another life. We're going to work within moderation and see what happens. Wondering what rep ranges and lifts would suffice (this has leg press).
Thanks again for help w/ this.
Get him as close to doing the program as you can.
Rip, we’re dealing with so many doctors and practitioners who say moderate physical exercise is harmful for ALS patients. Do light weights and just “maintain strength”, they say. I don’t know what the latter means.
If a 200 lb man labors up a flight of stairs, isn’t that more force production than 3 x 8 with 10 lb bands? Which means, by their definition, even functional movement is defined as “harmful”.
Not asking for diagnosis or specific medical advice, but they seem to be just encouraging disability. I have such enmity for the medical professionals for this, he’s getting worse (didn’t know he had it for 4 years, upon diagnosis they continue to tell him to stick to “maintenance mode”).
The realities of the disease are understood, but frustrating situation.
I'm sorry to hear that about your dad's doctor's, Greg. His condition is certainly a specific one, and has previously concerns, but this excellent video from Phil Meggers comes to mind: