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Thread: Spaz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Spaz

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    UK correspondent here.

    Spaz is short for spastic.
    In the UK, people with Cerbral Palsy were called spastics and the charity associated with it was called THE SPASTICS SOCIETY.

    If one were to do something clumsy you’d generally be called a “stupid fucking spastic”. As it became more of a slur, the charity was changed to SCOPE. Calling people “scopeys” didn’t really take off so we carried on with spaz/spastic.

    You might also be called a “mong” but that’s frowned up too as it referred to Down’s Syndrome.

    Retard has really taken off but that’s on the level of spastic. Generally, mongs and retards and spastics tend to get upset about the use of the words.

    It’s nowhere close to the level of the N word. You’ll get a frown, unless you’re extra sensitive, but dropping an N bomb even in the UK will get you some severe blow back.

    Fags are dying out because everybody vapes now 😢

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    A very soft swear, similar to damn/damned I’d say.

    “It’s bloody raining again.”
    “Look at that damned rain.”

    Or “bloody hell, sorry. I didn’t expect to cum so quickly.”

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