Hey Rip I know this thread is for asking questions, so I’m gonna ask ‘how come Starting Strength is so awesome’?
My local gym (run by the local council) is doing an Olympics themed challenge and one of the challenges is the highest deadlift.

I’m running the NLP (coming back off a layoff) and have been at it for 4 months.
Male 49 years old 89kg body weight, 5ft 7, busy dad of three boys, no athletic background etc.
Today I said ‘fuck it’ and instead of my work set of 5 at 177.5kg for deadlift I decided to have a crack at doing a heavy single for the competition. I worked my way up and from my work set number (I did a single so I wouldn’t gas) I kept adding 2.5kg and pulling singles each time. I got to 190kg for a single and I know I could have gone further, but had to leave the gym for a work meeting.

Well, it’s put me way on top of the leader board for my weight class and I also got to give the PT who had to witness my lift an overview of the Starting Strength method. Anyone takes my crown and I know I’ve got it in me to win it back.

I know these are very ordinary numbers in the strength world but for my gym (full of the usual quarter squatters doing the same light weight in running shoes), it’s pretty damn good.

I guess I just answered my own question, so I’ll conclude with a thanks to you and everyone at Asgard for what you do for us ordinary Joes!