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Thread: I want to write on my blog about how to do the Starting Strength lifts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Default I want to write on my blog about how to do the Starting Strength lifts

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hello Rip!

    I plan to write several posts on my blog about physical preparation and sports on how to perform the lifts that make up the Starting Strength program. In addition, for each lift I would encrypt a tutorial from your YouTube channel as audio-visual support in which Mark Rippetoe (you) explains the keys to execution. In the posts, at the end I would specify the blue book as a bibliographic reference following the APA 7 standards with a referral link to Amazon. In the introduction to the instructions on how to do the lift I would also mention Starting Strength or Mark Rippertoe as the coach who promotes all these guidelines. All these posts that I would like to write would be published in both English and Spanish.

    Is everything okay or is there something I can't do because it's plagiarism?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Plagiarism is essentially the copy-and-paste-ing of someone else's words as your own, generally more than 3 words in a row, without attribution. For example, from What Is Plagiarism? | Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning

    Plagiarism is the use of another’s work, words, or ideas without attribution. The word “plagiarism” comes from the Latin word for “kidnapper” and is considered a form of theft, a breach of honesty in the academic community. Plagiarizers suffer serious consequences in Yale College—including suspension or expulsion from school. (See the Yale College Undergraduate Regulations for more information.)
    Unless the original author is a Republican. Further:

    It may be difficult to think of yourself as making an original contribution in the context of a class taught by an expert. But every assignment is an invitation to add something new to the conversation sparked by the course. You cannot make an original contribution if you are not the owner of the words and ideas that you present.
    The concept of "Fair Use" is in opposition to plagiarism, and you must be clear on which one you're doing. Fair use - Wikipedia

    The fair use right is a general exception that applies to all different kinds of uses with all types of works. In the U.S., fair use right/exception is based on a flexible proportionality test that examines the purpose of the use, the amount used, and the impact on the market of the original work.
    Note that in both cases I have cited the source, and have not used their entire text under that citation. I have used their prose to present the idea, I have attributed it to them, but I have not used so much of the content as to make it unnecessary to refer to the original text.

    You may use our concepts, and we hope you do, but take care not to present them as your own.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Thank you very much for your clarification.

    Don't worry, my idea is not to attribute your work methodology as my own, that is, something that I have invented. As I said in the previous message, I am going to mention that these are the exercises that are worked with in the Starting Strength methodology designed by Mark Rippetoe. I will incorporate tutorials from your channel explaining how to do them, as well as mentioning your book in the bibliographical references. In short, I am helping you promote your product.

    The fear I had was explaining the phases of the exercises in points as you do, such as for example the 5 steps to do the deadlift. As you summarize and specify each of the steps well, it is difficult to be original to use other words to describe them.

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