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Thread: I'm at a crossroads

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Albany, Western Australia

    Default I'm at a crossroads

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Gday Rip,

    I am at a crossroads in life and I would greatly appreciate your advice.

    Without boring you with the details, I have found myself between employment but was recently presented an opportunity to be a personal trainer at a local commercial gym.

    Long story short, I have the qualification already from years ago so I can get the gig when I get insurance sorted etc etc.

    My problem is it's the standard subcontractor, I pay the gym rent and hope I get enough clients. They currently have no Trainer so I should be okay in this regard. I would need 6 clients a week to clear rent. Plus, even though they bought new equipment it still sucks.

    On the other hand, I could open my own fitness studio in a modest place. There is a gap in the market for a 1-1, small group place since the only other guy doing it retired last year. It looks like if I charged $100 a week for 3 sessions I would still need 6 clients for 11 months of the year to pay rent. I have a rack and a good bar plus weights already. I've got funds to probably get through the first year with absolutely no clients and the current Australian tax system would allow me to write off many of the assets I need to obtain.

    Either way I need to be a business, get clients, take all the risk. The benefits to the commercial gym are people are already there. The benefits to my own are I can run the program more effectively and do the Coach course more easily. Plus, if the Australian government does some crazy vaccination thing again in the future, having my own place may be slightly safer.

    I imagine I would need a side job regardless of which I do. At least at the beginning.

    I am confident I can coach normal people, I'm still training my mum who is the hardest case I will ever take. The train friends for free model has not worked for me so far and opening the business in my garage is unprofessional.

    I do have access to support for building a business from some different avenues to help me with marketing and things of the like.

    I'm doing Byron's training camp next month, if I get some clients I would do the Coach Development Course, and get enough experience to do the Seminar and become the greatest SSC in Australia. Which I am confident I can do in the next couple of years.

    I'm old enough to need to not rush in, but young enough to make it work. I know this is my own situation and I have to make the decision, but you have not steered me wrong yet so any advice you have would be well regarded as always.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I'm the wrong guy to ask about this. But the right guys read this board. We'll ask them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Albany, Western Australia


    Thanks Rip,

    In the meantime I have got some external advice that my price is too low. So that's even better for me.

    I have got some good value from watching one of Andrew Lewis's videos so have begun paying more attention to form videos, trying to spot what's wrong and think about how I would fix it before reading your responses.

    I'm still waiting on the official contract from the commercial gym, and I'm guessing that the ease of breaking that will play a large factor in my decision.

    Hopefully someone has some other pearls of wisdom. I appreciate your time as always.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2020


    Why do you think it’s unprofessional to run it out of your garage? Embrace the underground

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Albany, Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Kalin View Post
    Why do you think it’s unprofessional to run it out of your garage? Embrace the underground
    I apologise for misleading you. It's not a garage. It's a shed. In Australia it is not a nice place to be most days and the clientele that I want don't want to be in a shed full of redbacks, skink lizards, and the rest of my junk. I have not had success training people for free in there already so I don't think it is a viable option.

    Plus, on one of the other old threads about this kind of thing Rip said it was unprofessional and someone said they drove to a CrossFit box which turned out to be a guy in his garage, doors open, so he kept on driving. I'd do the same.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    I apologise for misleading you. It's not a garage. It's a shed. In Australia it is not a nice place to be most days and the clientele that I want don't want to be in a shed full of redbacks, skink lizards, and the rest of my junk. I have not had success training people for free in there already so I don't think it is a viable option.

    Plus, on one of the other old threads about this kind of thing Rip said it was unprofessional and someone said they drove to a CrossFit box which turned out to be a guy in his garage, doors open, so he kept on driving. I'd do the same.
    Have you given any thought to what it would take to upgrade that shed in the medium term? I wouldn't be surprised if there are crushingly onerous regulations for doing that down there, but you'd know more about it than my mere speculation. Could any of your investment options assist with that? And if the coaching gig doesn't pan out, or pans out into a different direction, then hey, you've managed to upgrade your home gym along the way, and even provide a fallback for future lockdown situations...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Albany, Western Australia


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post
    Have you given any thought to what it would take to upgrade that shed in the medium term? I wouldn't be surprised if there are crushingly onerous regulations for doing that down there, but you'd know more about it than my mere speculation. Could any of your investment options assist with that? And if the coaching gig doesn't pan out, or pans out into a different direction, then hey, you've managed to upgrade your home gym along the way, and even provide a fallback for future lockdown situations...
    I have given it a little thought but I generally believe that doing it external to my home will force me to put 100% effort in to the venture. At home I may be inclined to quit if it gets difficult. I don't think the regulations for a home business are bad though so I have kept it as a last resort.

    I really think that if I want to be a professional I need to be in a professional space in a semi prominent location, and the money needed to invest in upgrading the shed could go the other space from the get go.

    Apparently my wife has future plans for what goes in the shed long term also.

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