I believe I mentioned this in the grey book. Depends on your shoulders. And one-pound jumps.
With regards to chin-ups why are bodyweight chin-ups used instead of weighted chin-ups for 5s given that 5s are more effective.
I assume the analysis by Andy Baker on the linked forum post is why bodyweight chin ups are preferred.
I believe I mentioned this in the grey book. Depends on your shoulders. And one-pound jumps.
The grey book uses weighted chins after bodyweight chins progress to about the ~15 rep mark. The bodyweight chins effectively act as a "light day" for the weighted chins.
Chins in general work like an accessory, rather than a primary loft: your deadlift is in the "driver's seat." And there are potential downsides to chin volume: I had to drop chins from my programming since doing them, especially weighted, fucks with my elbows bad enough my presses start to suffer. When I occasionally attempt them just to check, I can get ten at 235 when before I could get 10 at 195.