What did your Physical Therapist tell you to do?
I am not sure of my bodyfat is since I have not needed to be taped since I am within height and weight standards. I will work on gaining weight since I agree it will benefit me, and I am confident I can manage to stay below 19% body fat. My current concern is that given my back condition, is it recommended that I train the Press 2.0 or the strict press given the dynamic nature of the press 2.0?
What did your Physical Therapist tell you to do?
I will ask at the next appointment, but so far his philosophy has been "if it bothers your back, don't do it. If it feels fine, do it." He told me not do power cleans so I assume he will tell me not to do press 2.0. I am not sure I like his advice to go by feel, since what if I am making things worse even if it feels fine? He also wants me to hold off on low bar squats since it puts more stress on the low back given the horizontal back angle.
He sure sounds like an expert. Just do what he tells you.
I am skeptical. What do you recommend Rip?
I'm sure that the tape test procedure is documented in an official publication, which means you should be able to self-administer it (or have someone else administer it) for reference as you go. If you have to play a silly game, may as well know the rules and where you stand...