Thank you. Well I have more details now. She actually did fall. The surround was a brick level higher than the rest of the floor and she was squeezing past some furniture when she tripped. She did fall but caught the wall and kept herself upright. So she didn't break a wrist either. She had an x-ray yesterday, two toes are very swollen and painful but no visible break. I guess her bone density has gone up.
I successfully got her on a new incline bench last week for the first time. Didn't really do anything but I got her to lay on it. She really has made a substantial amount of progress for someone who was afraid of the light bar to begin with.
I can't wait to train people who can actually function though. Not my wife though, we won't talk about how long that lasted.
You guys are missing the big picture here. This scientific study showed that bone mineral density increases because of resistance training using a protocol that involves squats and deadlifts. I had a prospect with severe osteoporosis come to me and say that the doctor treating her osteoporosis told her "no resistance training. If you need to exercise just walk." She contacted me in spite of this advice. This is how bad the situation is.
We at least have a study in the system that these people (doctors) respect that we can point to and say "look, this works" and at least get a foot in the door to start the conversation. Or tell the patients with osteoporosis "look, a scientific study that concludes that you don't just need to take drugs and sit around. You can do something else to improve your bone mineral density." It's obvious to us and doctors who are paying attention, but we need to be able to reach the patients who are scared and uncertain about what's possible to improve their situations.
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