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Thread: Body is Hording pottasium- what to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Long island, NY

    Default Body is Hording pottasium- what to do?

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey All-

    Each month i get bloods done because im a post liver transplant recipient and since i started lifting last may my alt ast ggtp and alka phos -all liver enzymes have been irregular and the dr's have no clue whats lifting and what may be a hint of problems with my liver-im getting so many tests done.

    also since i introduced 2/3-1 gallon per my potassium levels are thru the roof like near 6-6.5 which i have already been scared into getting emergency ekg's. too much potassium is problematic to having a coronary. so is peanut butter bananas and kiwis.

    also the milk is making shit bricks that are tearing my hole--someone mentioned oil? castro? 10w what? i guess consume olive oil or flax oil--how about fish oil.

    any ideas on how to remedy the potassium issue? for some reason my body is holding on to potassium. maybe add 1 gallon of water to diet and flush my system?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I cannot advise you on your specific potassium issue.

    But in terms of lubricating your bowel movements, eating anything greasy will do.

    You can glug on some olive oil, eat more fried foot or some cheese. It will all work.

    Eating fruit will help too. But obviously you should avoid the potassium rich ones.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Pooping has been an enjoyable experience for me ever since i starting taking 1 fish oil and 1 flax oil capsulse in the morning, and again in the evening. Its amazing the difference that alone has made, and they seem to have helped my joint pain a lot as well (thats the reason i origionally started taking them).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    A few months ago I had some bloodwork done, and my liver numbers also came back slightly elevated. As I'm sure you know it can be caused by a number of things.(drinking, OTC pain meds, etc.) None of the usual culplrits could explain my levels, so I did some digging online before I got the follow up. I found a few studies that suggested that rigorous excerise could cause elevated liver numbers. I had started SS a few weeks before the test, so I think that may have been the cause.

    I've since had my follow up and everything came back normal.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Long island, NY


    DR told me to lay off milk- i can drink it but anything over a quart a day is too much potassium . i said i 'll take it under advisement and we'll go with no more than a 1/2 gallon ea day of week with a equal 1/2 gallon of water to dilute said dreaded potassium overload. or i drink 1 gallon 3x per week on work out days only and up water intake and between water and exercise should be enough to dispate.

    it wouldnt be my first time bucking common trends.

    i'll get the oils as ive read "they're heart this pisses me off its not like im eating fried foods all the time or at mickey D'S. but cmon man...milk my wonder drink dude thats just wrong. theres always a happy medium somewhere.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    NW Connecticut


    Have you tried extra magnesium for loosening stools. It is effective. With milk consumption it will balance the calcium (a system blocker). Magnesium also regulates pottasium in the body?

    I take a powder form dissolved in hot water before bed. I sleep better and "NO" problems with bowel movements. You can actually adjust what you take for the disired result. My experience.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    You have a unique medical situation and I would bet that almost no one here can tell you with much certainty what will help. However, as for milk being a big source of potassium, I don't know how problematic that actually is. Check out:

    Change the serving size to 1 quart and then multiply the values by 4 to get what's in a gallon of whole milk. It comes out to 160% of the daily value percentage. Is that way too much?

    As for your digestive issues, oil is unlikely to be of much help. You are not a car. Drinking oil will not necessarily lubricate your digestive system. Fiber is likely to be of more help. Fruits, veggies, should be regular parts of your diet. Eating veggies with every meal is a good goal. Fiber supplements can also be of use.

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