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Thread: Fast food and bulking

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Perth, Australia


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sami View Post
    I've got a good one near me. Always crispy batter and soft fish. Same with the chips; crispy outside, fluffy inside. Then lots of salt and GALLONS of vinegar. That's the only way to eat that stuff.

    But £1.29 double cheeseburgers are probably my staple.
    Yeah our local one is like that. Always perfect.

    But the £1.29 double is hard to beat for a tasty high protein lunch. 3 of those washed down with 2 pints of milk of course. £3.87 + about 90p for milk

    There's a burger van near work that does a 1/2 pound burger for about £3.50 but its not the same.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    There's a chicken shop in London that sells 2 fried chicken burgers for £2. Well, it used to be £2 for a long time. I think it might be £2.50 now or something. Still pretty good.

    Fuck, I'm hungry now. Lunch time for me (late).

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Seoul, South Korea


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    Quote Originally Posted by aussieluke View Post
    What do any of you guys in the UK think of Kebab shops for an ideal high protein, high fat, high calorie fast food?

    In case you guys outside the UK don't know what a kebab shop is, it is basically fast food for drunk people in town centers at 2am.
    Haha this brings back some memories of when I lived in the UK for awhile. I remember I could never bring myself to go to one of those dodgy kebab/fried chicken shops during the day when I was sober , but after a night of heavy drinking they are an ideal food for drunks as you said. I would always head to the local kebab shop near my flat on upper street in Islington. There was always a crowd from about 11 pm - 3 AM. My personal favourite was the kebab meat on top of chips loaded up with garlic and chili sauce. It was greasy and delicious.

    I was kind of scared though of what else was in the meat after hearing about this story.

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