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Thread: Strange sharp adductor pain

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Yesler's Palace, Seattle, WA


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    Quote Originally Posted by jacob cloud View Post
    Sharp pain is BAD. In order, I'd suggest: reducing the weight, a form check (including stance width), foam rolling, self-massage, fish oil. Make sure you aren't forcing your knees out TOO far, which I've seen fellas do. They need to travel at the same angle as your toes, and no more.

    Luckily, the adductors are very quick at adapting, in my experience.

    Part of the reason this happened to me was that I made a form adjustment that brought the adductors into the movement after I'd already added a bunch of weight to my squat, and wasn't careful about adjusting downward enough to let them catch up afterwards. Some of y'all might be able to get away with that, but not my skinny ass.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Thanks for the help, guys. Strangely enough the pain is more pronounced the faster I lift, so higher weights actually mitigate the pain to the point where my work sets make the pain all but noticable.

    I'll see how my knees track and find out if they're going a little too wide, even.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Stretch your adductors really good, and lightly massage them, could be a growth thing I'm going through something familiar but inside my groin! Its annoying and I know my squats can go deeper if I didn't have this "pain". Just my opinion if theres anything better I'll even try it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    My son strained his left adductor brevis lunging during fencing. Lots of massage, ice and stretching "cured" it. His coach will not allow him to lunge any more. Doesn't need it for sabre anyway.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I had the same problem that prevented me from doing squat for a long time.
    I narrowed the stance (as I told Ripp in my post) and that worked for some time. As I passed 140kg. that was a torture, especially the first sets. Then I decided to go and see a chiro. He fixed the pain in the adductor area in the very first visit: I couldn't believe it. Then I did 3 other treatments and that's all. I tell you because as everybody does we try to fix these things by ourselves but sometime it's just that we have to go to a specialist. Hope you'll recover soon.

  6. #16
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Quote Originally Posted by davidM View Post
    I had the same problem that prevented me from doing squat for a long time.
    I narrowed the stance (as I told Ripp in my post) and that worked for some time. As I passed 140kg. that was a torture, especially the first sets. Then I decided to go and see a chiro. He fixed the pain in the adductor area in the very first visit: I couldn't believe it. Then I did 3 other treatments and that's all. I tell you because as everybody does we try to fix these things by ourselves but sometime it's just that we have to go to a specialist. Hope you'll recover soon.
    Would you be able to explain what the chiro did? I'm curious.

  7. #17
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    Sep 2008


    he just pressed with his finger along the muscles in the groin area. One after another. he asked me : does it hurt here? And as my face answered itself he started gently but firmly pressing that point. He didn't release it untill the pain was gone. This is the best way to relieve the pain for such problem, to his experience. To me it has worked well.
    I have to tell you that it's a bit painful the first time.
    Hope I have been clear!!

  8. #18
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Quote Originally Posted by davidM View Post
    he just pressed with his finger along the muscles in the groin area. One after another. he asked me : does it hurt here? And as my face answered itself he started gently but firmly pressing that point. He didn't release it untill the pain was gone. This is the best way to relieve the pain for such problem, to his experience. To me it has worked well.
    I have to tell you that it's a bit painful the first time.
    Hope I have been clear!!
    It's the same principle as foam rolling then, right?

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Never used it but it might be. I think you could find someone (your girlfriend/wife maybe?) and try with finger pressure...but if you can use a foam roller then try it, it sure helps. The only thing I can tell you and maybe it's stupid and useless is :don't use the adductor machine trying to work the adductor area in order to strenghten those muscles somehow , I did it and couldn't walk the next day!
    Maybe do a light stretching at home and search on YouTube exercises for groin strain: you'll discover soon that a lot of people (also posting over here) has this problem sooner or later. But it can be solved.
    Hope you'll fix it soon.

    P.s. During those days I dropped my Squat but I could Deadlift instead so I trained more or less the same muscles.

  10. #20
    manisstrong Guest


    starting strength coach development program
    Same problem here! Sharp adductor pain when I squat, even just bodyweight squats). I probably fucked mine more because I tried to keep squatting even when I had the really sharp pain. It's getting better... slowly but I still can't squat, after like 3 weeks.

    I think mine was also caused my squatting too wide. But I have a problem. I can't squat less wide without falling backwards. So I have two options

    a) Squat slightly wide again and risk my adductor again
    b) Use a small plate under my heel to allow me to squat more narrowly without falling backwards

    Or is there a better option?


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