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Thread: Lower back injury - a bit different

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Long Island City, NY

    Default Lower back injury - a bit different

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I'll try to make this brief. I did search and didn't find answers that quite fit my situation.

    Back in Feb. I broke my ankle and didn't lift for a few months. When I got back to it my form wasn't the best and I hurt my back. Confident in my form now, but I don't think I rehabbed the injury well enough. (only thing I could tolerate after hurting it was back extensions, did those for a while until the pain was gone).

    Currently, I find myself in this cycle:
    Lower Back is stiff, generally more on the right side. Hurts a bit to bend over, not great flexibility. I can squat and deadlift properly after warming up. Squats don't hurt, but by last set my back is tight. Deadlifts don't hurt, but by the time I get home I have some stiffness/pain in the area.

    Next day after workout, I can't really bend over and it is difficult/a bit painful to maneuver around (e.g getting out of bed hurts, but I can deal with it. Moving around at work hurts but I can deal).

    This lessens and lessens until I get back for my next workout when the cycle begins again.

    I was hoping if I worked with as perfect form as I could muster this would go away. I record every set of my lifts and am confident that I am not doing anything that is harming my lower back currently. This has been going on since the beginning of the summer.

    Should I just man up and drop the weight to do starr's rehab protocol with squats or deadlifts? Or progress upping the weights hoping it'll resolve itself over time? I'm growing weary of being in pain all the time with both my ankle and back =-\

    For comparison: my squat before I broke my ankle was around 295, deadlift around 325. Squat currently is 215, deadlift 235.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    First of all, my sympathies for the broken ankle. I broke my foot 3 months ago and my squat went from 255 to 165. Fucking sucks.

    As for your lower back, I get that stiffness very often. I suggest you completely lay off the squats/deadlift for a while and wait till you heal. If your injury is similar to mine, then it's not a big deal, I would think.

    Also, make sure you keep your chest UP during squats. Leaning forward kills my lower back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Long Island City, NY


    Thanks for the sympathy.

    I originally had laid off for a week and a half to two weeks before I did my back-extension thing, leading into what I'm doing now. I found a long layoff didn't really do much aside from making me ansy and depressed from not being able to train.

    How long had you waited before you began training again, after your back injury?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I took 2 weeks off from squats/deads, but kept doing everything else.

    My injury was horrible. I couldn't even touch my knees. But I stretched everyday.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Long Island City, NY


    Did you find pressing aggravated the injury? I fear it may, though I don't really know as last time I laid off I laid off from everything.

    Also, had you ever attempted the rehab sticky, or did you go straight back into training?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by vxmorpheusxv View Post
    Did you find pressing aggravated the injury? I fear it may, though I don't really know as last time I laid off I laid off from everything.

    Also, had you ever attempted the rehab sticky, or did you go straight back into training?
    Neither bench nor the press seemed to aggravate the injury. Maybe use this time to do some isolation work for your legs? I mean, I'm sure they must be skinny as fuck like mine were after I took off the cast.

    I never did any rehab work. As a matter of fact, I hurt myself only a few days ago in the same way (but not that bad) and I went straight back to the gym and hit a PR. I am too damned stubburn, but hey, I'm fine now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Carnivroar View Post
    I suggest you completely lay off the squats/deadlift for a while and wait till you heal.
    Please stop pasing on your misguided views.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by LimieJosh View Post
    Please stop pasing on your misguided views.
    Okay and where is your professional advice?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Carnivroar View Post
    Okay and where is your professional advice?
    You frequently post about your back injuries, your (lack of proactive) rehab, and their (inevitable) subsequent reoccurance. You refuse to acknowledge the importance of the bits in brackets, despite it directly being pointed out to you on more than one occassion.

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