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Thread: Shoulder injury

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    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Shoulder injury

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Have had shoulder issues for the last 6ish months.

    Initially, any time I would lower the barbell during the OHP, the tendon of the long head of the biceps on my left shoulder would snap over some bony structure and 2 tendons (somewhere around the lateral part of the scapula) would feel like they were being squished together. I got no such feeling on my right shoulder.

    I stopped the OHP during the summer and just did bench and chins.

    For the last month, I did seated dumbbell ohp but lowered the dumbbells with my forearms parallel to my head (as if I was lowering the barbell straight down through the middle of my head), so I could build up strength in my shoulders without feeling that snapping sensation. This effectively worked up until I was onto 22.5kg dumbbells where it was too dangerous to lower the weights safely.

    I switched back to OHP yesterday and got no snapping sensation nor any feeling of 2 tendons being squished together.

    However, I felt this clicking sensation around the posterior aspect of the coracoid process as I lowered the bar. No pain was associated with it. However, when I first got the snapping sensation 6 months ago, there was no pain but, after 3-4 sessions, I started to get pain while OHPing. I'm afraid this will happen again.

    Also, every morning when I get up, I notice my left shoulder hangs a little lower than the right shoulder and is more rounded (as in the pec is pulling it anteriorly) relative to my right shoulder. The shoulder drop kind of goes away during the day but it still is pulled more forward than my right shoulder.

    I've done a number of pec stretches to try to fix this but nothing has really helped.

    The only thing I can think of at the moment is that I may have slight damage to my accessory nerve, however I can still shrug my shoulders can contract my left sternocleidomastoid muscle. I have small traps due to a poverty deadlift but my left trap definitely seems smaller than my right (which could be due to atrophy from the nerve injury, but more than likely not).

    Anyone have any idea about what is wrong? Sorry for the long post
    Last edited by SS2016; 09-25-2016 at 04:10 AM.

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