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Thread: Too little carbs and too much fat?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Default Too little carbs and too much fat?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi Mr. (Dr.?) Feigenbaum!

    I read your article To Be A Beast and started a food journal to see how my macro ratios looked like. I am 6'4'' tall and weigh a fluffy 227lbs. No idea what my bodyfat percentage is. Although I have been doing martial arts and boot camp style conditioning for most of my live I have always looked a bit soft and have never been particular strong.

    On my student budget I mostly eat ground meat (half and half), beans and dairy products because I try to get a lot of protein for little money. On average (last 7 days) I consumed 3022kcal, 293g of protein, 218g of carbs and 103g of fat. The vast majority of my fat intake comes from ground meat.

    How big of an impact do the relative high amount of fat and low amount of carbs have on BF % and performance in sports? Is it a good idea to cut back on the cheap meat and actually increase my pasta/rice intake to get more carbs in my diet even if I sacrifice protein?

    Thanks for your time,

    your interviews with Rip were great

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Chicken, tuna, dairy/whey/yogurt are all cheap enough that ground beef isn't really that much cheaper. It's just not since if 20 dollars makes or breaks you there are other problems.

    I don't think a 6'4, young male who weighs 227 should be on only 3000 cals. Your protein is quite high and i do think your fat intake is a bit high for my preference. I see no reason why you would be strong if you've been doing martial arts and boot camp conditioning, so I'd probably stop that and start lifting weights exclusively.

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