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Thread: How to continue after plateau

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default How to continue after plateau

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    Hi coach Santana,

    I am in the process of cutting. I started out at 245 on Feb 4th and have currently plateaued at approx. 220 (fluctuation from 217.6 - 221). I am currently at 2000 cal per day with macros as follows:
    Protein - 175-200 grams
    Carbs - 175-200 grams
    Fat - 50-80 grams

    My current training program is as follows:

    Close grip bench press
    Dumbbell press
    Tricep press
    Curl variation

    Squat - 5 + 2 drop sets of hi bars
    Row variation
    Leg curl

    Bench press 5+ 2 drop sets of close grip

    Deadlift 3-5 + 2 drop sets of stiff leg deadlift
    Row variation
    Straight arm pull down

    Best sets:
    Squat 325 x 5
    Bench 205 x 4
    Deadlift 405 x 4

    My ultimate goal is to lift as a 198 lb. master but I don’t feel I can cut anymore calories and still train hard. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    Quote Originally Posted by jbackos View Post
    Hi coach Santana,

    I am in the process of cutting. I started out at 245 on Feb 4th and have currently plateaued at approx. 220 (fluctuation from 217.6 - 221). I am currently at 2000 cal per day with macros as follows:
    Protein - 175-200 grams
    Carbs - 175-200 grams
    Fat - 50-80 grams

    My current training program is as follows:

    Close grip bench press
    Dumbbell press
    Tricep press
    Curl variation

    Squat - 5 + 2 drop sets of hi bars
    Row variation
    Leg curl

    Bench press 5+ 2 drop sets of close grip

    Deadlift 3-5 + 2 drop sets of stiff leg deadlift
    Row variation
    Straight arm pull down

    Best sets:
    Squat 325 x 5
    Bench 205 x 4
    Deadlift 405 x 4

    My ultimate goal is to lift as a 198 lb. master but I don’t feel I can cut anymore calories and still train hard. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
    Hey buddy!

    Thanks for posting. My thoughts are that at this point you are an intermediate/advanced master's lifter and you have to make the decision if you want to lose your 'already at risk of being lost" muscle mass. How old are you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Santana View Post
    Hey buddy!

    Thanks for posting. My thoughts are that at this point you are an intermediate/advanced master's lifter and you have to make the decision if you want to lose your 'already at risk of being lost" muscle mass. How old are you?

    So far during the cut from 245 to 220 (today 218.2), I have only lost 20lbs off the squat, 10 off the bench, and the deadlift has remained constant. I had more bodyfat than I thought.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    Quote Originally Posted by jbackos View Post

    So far during the cut from 245 to 220 (today 218.2), I have only lost 20lbs off the squat, 10 off the bench, and the deadlift has remained constant. I had more bodyfat than I thought.
    I'd say its really up to you at this point. You are quite strong for your age but if you want to get stronger you are going to either have to A) sacrifice more strength then work your way back up from a lower body weight or B) just stay where you are and focus on getting stronger. A has no guarantees especially as you get older. It's pretty much trial and error. What is your waistline?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    39. I still have a fair amount of fat to lose. I can do barely three chin-ups, three body weight dips and 15 push-ups. I believe 198 is attainable without losing too much strength. In my younger days I lifted at a body weight of 205-211. I would like to be proficient at body weight work which I feel is an indicator of relative strength. I still enjoy competing in powerlifting but it will have to take a back seat to health at this time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by jbackos View Post
    39. I still have a fair amount of fat to lose. I can do barely three chin-ups, three body weight dips and 15 push-ups. I believe 198 is attainable without losing too much strength. In my younger days I lifted at a body weight of 205-211. I would like to be proficient at body weight work which I feel is an indicator of relative strength. I still enjoy competing in powerlifting but it will have to take a back seat to health at this time.
    I'd say keep pushing the body fat down and work on getting your chin ups moving. LP total volume, that approach works well. So start out by doing 3 per workout, for a total of 9 per week on a 3-day split. Then add reps each week. Make sure the first set is an AMRAP then do whatever you need to to do to complete the target reps.

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