Lifestyle factors?
Lifestyle factors?
Train 3x a week, don't drink or smoke. Have stopped eatting out for a month now. Going to cut back on eatting so much cheese. Going throw in 2x days of conditioning to help with weight loss. Plan to get down to 235 pounds. Fear statins may cause muscle damage.
Height and weight?
254 pound, 70 inches. Bench 355, squat 546, deadlift 620.
Unless you have already had a cardiovascular event, in which case the evidence points towards targeting numbers more robustly, these values should be getting inputted to a reliable risk calculator along with all the other variables mentioned above to determine what the risk/reward of using a statin is and that guides whether you want to take it
Waist circumference? I'm not sure that you need to be that heavy to do what you are trying to do unless you are a competitive powerlifter taking gear.
Right now around 38.5 inches. Im thinking I need to be about 235 honestly. As for goal just get stronger. No I'm not taking steriods or ever plan to.
235 would probably work better for ya and you should still be able to move weight there. I think you are just carrying too much for your purposes.