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Thread: calorie-agnostic tracking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    An unforeseen future nestled somewhere in time.

    Default calorie-agnostic tracking

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I find it challenging to track calories and weigh all my food. I am 5'9", 210 lbs, with a 34-inch waist and a 42-inch jacket size. Here are my current stats: Squat - 325 lbs for 5 reps (3 sets), Bench Press - 220 lbs for 5 reps (3 sets), Overhead Press - 140 lbs for 5 reps (3 sets), Deadlift - 300 lbs for 5 reps.

    I focus on tracking protein. On training days, my intake includes:

    Day food: One box of Kirkland egg whites (450 grams) with 50 grams of Parmesan cheese and 50 grams of cottage cheese (both melted in an omelet) with 75 grams of costoc powergreens (spinach, kale etc). One package of Costco Alaskan smoked salmon (or two cans of tuna). Two Kirkland protein bars
    Dinner: 400 grams of baked chicken with 100 grams of rice and 400 grams of sautéed frozen vegetables
    Additional snacks: Wasa crisp bread and homemade protein banana bread
    On non-training days, I only have the dinner meal mentioned above and about two handfuls of Costco almonds.

    Dr. Santana (and all other colleagues), is this a good nutritional strategy?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    It's a good start but you'll need to push carbs as you advance. What is going on with that deadlift though?

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