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Thread: Power Clean Spinal Fusion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Default Power Clean Spinal Fusion

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Over 30 years ago, I crushed my T12 vertebrae in an ATV accident and had my T11/T12/L1 fused. I've "exercised" on and off through the decades, but have always avoided the squat and deadlift due to my condition. After reading Starting Strength and The Barbell Prescription, I began SS last summer and have progressed through the NLP better than I ever imagined. Although I've had a couple of breaks due to minor injury, pain, and fatigue, overall I have been successful with the program through a few plateaus/deloads. I've shifted into the HLM intermediate programming now that I've hit my recovery limits on my M-W-F schedule. Current stats are:
    47yo, 218, 5'10"
    DL 305x5
    SQ 295x5
    BP 235x5
    OP 140x5

    Up until now, I've only been doing lat pulldowns, BB rows, back extensions, and chinups for my non-deadlift days. I've been hesitant to implement the Power Clean until recently, and have ran a few sets of 45, 65, and 85. So far, I am enjoying the new variety in my routine and my body has not objected, although I'm still working on my form and timing. Due to the big difference in my fledgling power clean and my slowly-improving deadlift, how beneficial would it be for me to start cleaning at this point in my training? Or should I stick to my current rotation or add other assistance/accessory movements like rack pulls, RDLs, or HDLs to improve my deadlift?

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    If it was my back, I would not do any situps or back extensions. I think your deadlift is artificially light, and there is room to run it up without the more-intermediate exercises. If you want to clean, and it doesn't bother your back to rack the bar, you should be fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2023


    Thanks, Rip! Two of my breaks in training were back pain related, and one I'm sure was due to greed and moving too fast. Hence, I only deadlift now on Wednesdays after my light Squat and bench/press rotation. I am still adding 5lbs each week...slowly, but surely.
    I'll certainly heed your advice on the back extensions and already discontinued situps and crunches last year after starting the program. With that in mind, and considering the light weight I'm handling on the PC, would it be too much to consider PCs AND Chins on Mondays and Fridays? I don't feel I get as much intensity as I'd like with BW rows and lat pulldowns, and I have to very careful with BB Rows.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Too many exercises. Why are you not doing chins?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2023


    10-4. Up until now, I've only been doing lat pulldowns, BB rows, back extensions, and chinups for my non-deadlift days.

    I've probably been doing too much already then since I have been doing chins same days as back extensions. I will try Chins on Monday, Deads on Wednesday, and PC on Fridays unless you recommend otherwise.

    I really appreciate your input. This back fusion has had me training scared my whole life until I started your program. I'm stronger now than ever. Thank you sir!

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