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Thread: Remedying the problem of getting depth too easily...

  1. #1

    Default Remedying the problem of getting depth too easily...

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    I have the ability, for whatever reasons, to pop down in an ATG squat at any point in time without stretching. I find it virtually impossible to get any form of rebound, and any significant contribution from my hams/glutes. I've tried sitting back more, which may help get a slight bit more contribution, but not much. I can tighten them up myself, but the only time I notice a difference is during light warmups, and only at the very bottom. The only time I have ever noticed a significant help from the rebound and actual recruitment was the day after I sprinted for the first time in years (which caused the most soreness in my hams/glutes/adductors I've ever felt) due to the tightness that was severe enough it helped on my working sets.

    So, I've tried just about everything I can think of, other than a wider stance. Will a wider stance help? If not, what can I do to get more stretch in the posterior chain? Most of the conversations I see are about people using wider stances to get deeper, but I was under the impression wider stances help ham/glute recruitment, so I'm a bit confused.

    Of course, this also has an impact on deadlifts too, but I've never had a problem, and my deadlift is a ways ahead of my squat (300/395 on working sets or thereabouts). But I still use very little, if any, of my hams/glutes. Suggestions for this as well?

    One last thing while I'm at it. For as smart as I like to think I am, I think I slept through mechanics, so biomechanics eludes me completely. I *think* I have shorter legs/a longer torso than average (74"/32" pant inseam), and long arms. How does this impact (+/-) the deadlift and squat, particularly when you factor in the previous issue?

    I've been searching off and on for a few weeks for something discussing this, and I can't find shit, so I'm giving up and hoping it's not a stupid question. I'm going to start experimenting on Friday, but I can't test it where I really need to (high weight) because of a knee issue.

  2. #2


    how does your lower back look in a deep squat position?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by milesdyson View Post
    how does your lower back look in a deep squat position?
    Slight change in angle when I'm significantly past parallel. Here's a vid that's almost a year old (so no need to mention form issues unless they relate), judge for yourself (first rep is pretty deep, so it should answer your question):

    Note, I am wearing Do-wins, and still do. I've tried with and without, and haven't noticed a difference, at least not at a point that's near/slightly below parallel.
    Last edited by mstrofbass; 03-24-2010 at 03:09 AM.

  4. #4


    the issues relate. your back slacks and "lets go" of the pelvis enough that your hamstrings get loose and your knees slide forward. you never get a bounce because of it. as you descend, think about locking your back into extension before you hit parallel. think of curling your ass up. if you don't feel a stretch like this, then i don't know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Red face

    Form looks OK in the vid. Can't tell if your knees are going out enough. Try a wider foot position to tighten your adductors just to see if you can feel a better stretch reflex.

    You have long legs, too. Add some muscle to them.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by milesdyson View Post
    the issues relate. your back slacks and "lets go" of the pelvis enough that your hamstrings get loose and your knees slide forward. you never get a bounce because of it. as you descend, think about locking your back into extension before you hit parallel. think of curling your ass up. if you don't feel a stretch like this, then i don't know.
    Fair enough, but I don't see that unless I go quite a ways past parallel. I'll work on that cue, but I'd definitely prefer to not have to go to quite that depth if possible.

    Definitely need to video myself again when I can.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    And add about 50-100 lbs on the bar. Then you wont be tempted to go so damn low. You're thinking too much about this...

  8. #8
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    East Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by mstrofbass View Post
    4th and 5th rep actually might be a little high there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    East Coast


    You might want to experiment with speeding up the descent a little bit too. Don't dive-bomb into the bottom, of course, but bring it down a little more quickly to get that "bounce" of the bottom.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA


    starting strength coach development program
    Maybe it's the angle but it looks like you are just reaching parallel. The last two may slightly above. Any way, it's far from being ATG, not that you should be going ATG anyway. Since the hammies and adductors still feel loose, trying dropping a little deeper. Just a thought.

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