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Thread: SS + military

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Flyover Country

    Default SS + military

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I'm wondering how good/bad/HOLY SHIT ARE YOU SERIOUS of an idea this is. I can PT test next month if I choose to. I kinda want to, as getting above a 90 will mean that I can test next time in October, which is a great time (at least here in DC) to be running outside during the day. I was considering just doing 1x5 on all my SS lifts, so that I can save some gas for conditioning work. I could also do normal SS, but only twice a week, and on the middle day do conditioning. However, I think I would prefer the first method, as that way I can condition every time I go to the gym. My goal is to run at least an 11:30 1.5mi run. Not a terribly difficult thing to do, except that I've not really run since March.

    Anyone have any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Do CFFB amateur program ( Or at least check it out and do something similar. Great program to do LP and conditioning at the same time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Flyover Country


    Quote Originally Posted by jmoye View Post
    Do CFFB amateur program ( Or at least check it out and do something similar. Great program to do LP and conditioning at the same time.
    That was kinda my thought process. I've seen CFFB before. I was thinking that if I did 1x5, I can still do SOME barbell work without killing my legs/CNS/etc. CFFB has you doing snatches and some other things I've not done before/don't have the equipment for. Otherwise, I'd just do CFFB.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    SF, CA


    Read the article in Resources -> articles -> "why does the army want me weak" if you haven't already. Some dude (an Army Major at the time. 2009) discusses his prep for the Army version at the time though he was a relatively advanced powerlifter. Iirc it didn't involve insane amounts of conditioning... see what you think of it.

    edit: ok it involves a far amount of conditioning, but it's not insane.
    Last edited by veryhrm; 09-15-2012 at 01:00 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Quote Originally Posted by blandrick View Post
    I'm wondering how good/bad/HOLY SHIT ARE YOU SERIOUS of an idea this is. I can PT test next month if I choose to. I kinda want to, as getting above a 90 will mean that I can test next time in October, which is a great time (at least here in DC) to be running outside during the day. I was considering just doing 1x5 on all my SS lifts, so that I can save some gas for conditioning work. I could also do normal SS, but only twice a week, and on the middle day do conditioning. However, I think I would prefer the first method, as that way I can condition every time I go to the gym. My goal is to run at least an 11:30 1.5mi run. Not a terribly difficult thing to do, except that I've not really run since March.

    Anyone have any thoughts?
    With very little running, if any, I was able to do 1.7 miles in 12 minutes, weighting around 190 lbs. You should have no problem and it shouldn't require a lot of training if you are already fit and have been training for some time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Flyover Country


    I've not run in a while, other than 1 run the other day. It shouldn't be a huge issue, but I want to be sure. If I just expect to be ok, and then I go test and I'm not and fail, that will be very bad for me. Long term training wise, it's probably not smart to focus on conditioning but career wise it is. I'm also a garbage runner. I've never been very good at it, neither for distance or sprinting. It's something I have to work at.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Lakenheath, United Kingdom


    Take it from me - get your run dialed in. Keep it below 13:36 and you'll be fine. I'm only squatting and deadlifting up to a top set once a week right now. I do a lot of pressing type movements and I have no problem maxing out the push ups, and I don't do push ups. Sit ups...only do them on test day and always max 'em out too. Now, if you just want to be a PT star, just train for the test and then start incorporating lifts but realize progress will come slower. Also, check out the article veryhrm suggested. Its a good read.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Flyover Country


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by veryhrm View Post
    Read the article in Resources -> articles -> "why does the army want me weak" if you haven't already. Some dude (an Army Major at the time. 2009) discusses his prep for the Army version at the time though he was a relatively advanced powerlifter. Iirc it didn't involve insane amounts of conditioning... see what you think of it.

    edit: ok it involves a far amount of conditioning, but it's not insane.
    I've read it, though it's been a while. I don't want to be destroying the PT test, I just want to get enough of a score to break 90. I'm also not already strong. I'm not even to 1.5x bw squat.

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