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Thread: 2 days a week

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default 2 days a week

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    I've been on Starting Strength for about a month, but now during the summer it's not possible to have access to a gym as often--only on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. However, I thought there would be no recovery from weds->thurs, so would it be better to just go Monday and Thursday right?
    I recently got into the gym for the first time (was out of my control) in about 3 weeks, before I had been doing squats all the way to 225, but the last set only got 3 reps. Same with the other day, trying 215 (figured 225 would be too hard, and 215 i'm feeling super sore enough), only got to 4 reps in the last set. I should put it down to 190 then right? And increase by 5 or 10? At this point, would it be useful to use a belt? I'm 143 lbs btw
    So what would be the best plan to Monday and Thursday? I figured I would do Advanced Novice (see my previous thread to allow for my XC running program, and lifting has to be before running. But is this program still valid for two days a week? Or should I do it Mon-Wed-Thurs?

    Much appreciated
    Last edited by m1nt; 07-01-2011 at 10:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    The best plan would be to weight more than 140 lbs.

  3. #3
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    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos Daniel View Post
    The best plan would be to weight more than 140 lbs.
    Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, this doesn't help me at all. If you're going to comment on my thread, at least say something worthwhile for me to read.
    I've been doing GOMAD + gained 11 lbs in 3 weeks. I can't really just magically gain that weight, can I? Unless I eat well and weight train... thus my questions.
    Last edited by m1nt; 07-01-2011 at 10:49 PM.

  4. #4
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Quote Originally Posted by m1nt View Post
    Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, this doesn't help me at all. If you're going to comment on my thread, at least say something worthwhile to read.
    I've been doing GOMAD + gained 11 lbs in 3 weeks
    Good. Keep it up. I would do Monday and Thursday. I know it gets old, but no matter what schedule you choose, it's not gonna work if you don't keep gaining weight, which you seem to be doing so it's all good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    If the inconvenience doesn't bother you, it would be best to use Wednesday as a light day, going very light.

    If you don't think you could manage 205, then drop back further to 190 or 195.

    Yes, you should really think about using a belt at this point.

    5 lb increases.

    Really make an effort to eat well. If you really are running and lifting a lot, it will be hard enough as it is to gain weight. You could probably increase your daily food intake and not gain any weight at all, it would all go to help you recover from your running and lifting. Though better would be to eat enough to keep gradually adding bodyweight.

  6. #6
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    May 2011


    If I do decide to do a light day, how much should I take off percentage-wise? Would it be useful to use the front squat to make sure it's light on wednesday, as it says to do in the advanced novice?
    For a belt, would you recommend this one (i'm 5'8-9, still growing):
    Also, the gym I have to use now doesn't have a dip/chin/pullup belt, so should I invest in one ( or just hold a dumbbell between my feet?
    And foam roll for recovery?

    Thanks for all your advice, I'll make sure to eat a ton

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Do light back squats on a light day instead of front squats. About 80% for 2 sets of 5 should be about right. If that's too much (and you would find out the next day if you bomb the Thursday workout) then just lower the percentage further.

    Get a leather belt that is the same width all around, preferably single prong. I really like the Athlete belt from, broken in version.

    Start out by holding a dumbbell between your feet. Once they get too heavy, it'll be time to think about a separate dip belt.

    Foam rolling is a great idea. I'd also recommend using a baseball as well.
    Last edited by MikeC1; 07-03-2011 at 12:57 AM. Reason: .net

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Thanks mike, you're very helpful.
    On that athlete belt, from bestbelts, would it be better to get the single soft or single standard ( And how are the belt sizes--is it what size shorts I wear, or the length around a certain area of my body?
    For using the belt, should I only wear it during the working weight for the squats or like the last warmup, the two reps? I know my squat isn't super heavy but I should use the belt once my lower back starts to hurt like crap (and I've had form checked etc)?
    I'm gonna use this guide ( for the rolling... from what I've read, it has great potential to help with ROM, power, and strength


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I would do something like this

    Monday: squats/bench/clean/pull ups

    Wednesday: squats/press/rows/dips

    Thursday: deadlift day

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    SF, CA


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC1 View Post
    If you don't think you could manage 205, then drop back further to 190 or 195.
    What's the rationale for going to 205 or even lower ? If he got 5 5 4 at 215 1st day back after a 3 week layoff why not do 215 again and then go from there?

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