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Thread: Wills' SS log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Wills' SS log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Thought I would start a log here to keep me motivated and get me lifting some heavy weights.

    I am recovering from tearing my Achilles tendon and have just been signed off my physio.

    I am taking the suggested workout from Practical programming (p155) as this doesn't contain powercleans (which still aren't so great for my ankle) Hoping to switch in the new year to the normal routine with Power cleans in.


    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 11st

    Sunday 14th Nov

    I started with an empty bar and just worked up to my work set weights. Then did the following:

    Squats 35kg
    3 x 5

    Bench Press 40kg
    3 x 5

    Chin-ups (failure)
    3 x 8, 6, 6

    Tuesday 16th Nov

    Squats 40kg
    3 x 5

    Military Press 27.5kg
    3 x 5

    Deadlift 60kg
    1 x 5

    Both were good sessions and hopefully I will get some videos of my lifts on Sunday to make sure that my form is good.

    My right knee (which is the leg with the healing ankle) was clicking like crazy - wasn't causing any pain though so I think this is down to my quad being quite tight. In physio when I did squats it would click but would go away after my physio got me to stretch it. Apparently the click is made because the muscle is tight and rolls over the bone (or something like that).

    Anyway first couple of sessions went well. Bring on the next one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Third session today and feeling good afterwards. Not sure how I should be representing my reps and sets so format is sets x reps - weight.

    Thursday 14th Nov

    Warm up - 250 jump rope


    Warm up sets
    2 x 5 empty bar
    1 x 3 30kg

    Work sets (Ws)
    3 x 5 45kg

    Bench Press

    Warm up sets
    2 x 5 empty bar
    1 x 3 30kg

    Work sets
    3 x 5 42.5kg

    Pull-ups (sets to failure)
    3 x 6, 6, 6

    Stretched a bit before and after which helped the clicking in my knee; ankle also seems to be holding out well.

    Going to buy some shoes at the weekend to work out in as it's getting cold doing it in bare feet, any recommendation? Probably going to go for some converse.

    Maybe need to increase my warm up on the squats a bit as they got easier the more I did (it's pretty cold in my garage this time of year).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Fourth workout today. Got some Adidas weight lifting shoes with a slight heel in although not sure if this improved my Squat form or not..

    Felt a bit tougher today than previously on the squats so probably need to start eating a bit more food. Got my squats recorded today for form checks.

    21st November 2010

    Warm up - 250 Jump rope


    Warm up sets
    2 x 5 empty bar
    1 x 3 35kg

    Work sets
    3 x 5 50kg


    Warm up sets
    2 x 5 empty bar

    Work sets
    3 x 5 30kg

    Chin Ups (to failure)

    3 x 8, 8, 6

    Here are my squats below (I'll also put them up in the critique section)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Really did not feel like working out today. Not much sleep last night, really have had to force my food down me today (still got to eat my steak later) and this protein drink I got doesn't taste too good.

    To top it all off my garage is fucking freezing at the moment which mean't I had an extra long warm up.

    Despite all that had a pretty good workout.

    23 November 2010

    Warm up - 500 Jump rope


    Warm up sets
    2 x 5 empty bar
    1 x 3 30kg
    1 x 2 40kg

    Work sets
    3 x 5 55kg

    Bench Press

    Warm up sets
    2 x 5 empty bar
    1 x 3 30kg

    Work sets
    3 x 5 45kg


    Work sets
    1 x 5 60kg

    Pretty good workout. Rip told me I was going to low on my squats so I amended that slightly and kept everything more tight which made it more powerful. If everything keeps going to plan this week next week going to trade out the Pull-ups for the Power clean as I feel my ankle would be able to take it.

    Oh yeah and I have put on 5lbs which isn't much but I certainly feel more powerful.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Nice lifts!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Per View Post
    Nice lifts!

    Didn't have time to log my last workout so will log both of them today.

    25 November 2010

    Warm up
    500 Jump rope


    Warm up
    2 x 5 empty bar
    1 x 3 30kg
    1 x 2 45kg

    Work sets
    3 x 5 60kg


    Warm up
    2 x 5 empty bar

    Work sets
    3 x 5 32.5kg

    Pull ups

    3 x 7, 6, 6

    Pretty good workout, squats are starting to slow down a bit. Means I need to increase my food intake again. I want to keep this 5kg per workout for as long as possible. Only my 6th workout and my squats are double what they were when I started. Still pretty weak but thats progress to be proud of.

    28th November 2010

    Warm up
    500 jump rope


    Warm up
    2 x 5 empty bar
    1 x 3 35kg
    1 x 2 50kg

    Work sets
    3 x 5 65kg

    Bench Press

    Warm up
    2 x 5 empty bar
    1 x 3 35kg

    Work sets
    3 x 5 47.5kg

    Chin ups (failure)
    3 x 8, 7, 6

    Squats definitely slowed down today but still got the reps. I reckon I have probably got 4 more workouts before I will need to slow the progression to 2.5kg per workout.
    My pull and chin up numbers seem to remain consistent but I am getting heavier so I guess there getting stronger.

    Knee was also clicking a lot today which means I probably need to warm up a bit more and make sure I stretch my quad more.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Bit fucked off with the snow. Can't get the car out of the garage so I missed yesterdays session. Got lots of sleep and ate instead.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Got back in the garage yesterday (woo) and picked up where I left off:

    6th December 2010

    Warm up
    500 jump rope


    Warm up
    2 x 5 empty bar
    1 x 3 35kg
    1 x 2 55kg

    Work sets
    3 x 5 70kg

    Military Press

    Warm up
    2 x 5 empty bar
    1 x 3 70kg

    Work sets
    3 x 5 35kg


    1 x 5 70kg

    Relieved that I didn't stall, was anxious that I would because I found it harder to eat enough without the exercise. I increased my rest time to 3 mins just to make sure I was able to perform all sets. Tomorrow hopefully I will get it back down to 2.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Hey, it's nice to find someone else starting from roughly the same place as me. Keep up the good work, and don't be afraid to let the rest periods rise up towards 5 minutes if you feel it's necessary. I find that cold conditions help me recover faster (within reason, don't want my fingertips going numb), but that could just be because I have low blood pressure.

    I see you were on the forum last year but then dropped off. Was that because of the injury?

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