Loving the Gadsden flag.
Loving the Gadsden flag.
And this....
I think that Rip's expressions in both the photos really tie things together, not unlike how the Dude's rug tied the room the together in The Big Lebowski.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezQLP1dj_t8the Dude's rug tied the room the together
"They were Nazis Walter?"
"Oh come on Donny, they were threatening castration! What are we splittin hairs here?"
Oh, you also missed this:
As you've seen all weekend long, if you weren't here for the Roundtable 2 Event..you missed a lot.
Jim Steel, Rip, and Jim Wendler addressed injuries; rehab, preventative care, and anything else related to the topic which prompted a great discussion for the first hour. The knowledge these guys have, and share, is limitless. Add-in their "unique" personalities and approach to life and the afternoon was as entertaining as it was informative.
As is usually the case, the Saturday evening dinner and post dinner social hour was a hit and the topics covered back at the gym after the Branding Iron ranged from Brazilian Bikini waxing to Louis CK and I guess the Brazilian conversation was so engaging that it carried into the next day.
Training on Sunday was another success with some people completely revamping their squat style and bringing their weights down in order to hit proper depth and others just tweaking their form so that their 360# squat felt stronger (that was Leslie..a cool chick...who happens to be MothaFok strong..and who we'll see in Brooklyn at our April seminar.) We also saw some PR's which is fun to watch. One is on video; Rob Miller cleaned 110 kilos at his climbing weight of 81 kilos which was pretty cool. Congrats Rob.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how fun it was to have Minnesota Rob here who got to fly back to 22 new inches of snow (and I am VERY jealous!) Rob showed our weekend's token Canadian the famous "Minnesota Nice" by driving him around all weekend and is a very cool dude who runs a gym in downtown Minneapolis (http://www.northloopfitness.com/index.html) so if you're in the area and need to train before going over to Nye's Polonaise and the polka lounge, hit him up.
You'll see more pictures and even more on our WFAC facebook page:http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Wichita-Falls-Athletic-Club-WFAC/120331038006406.
Our next few Roundtables are in the works, don't miss them, they're a blast. Our seminar schedule for the first half of 2011 is up and we'll be adding more Starting Strength camps around the nation so keep your eye on the home page for Event updates.
Thanks to all for making the trek, it was great having you here. Thanks to Jim Steel and Jim Wendler for coming down and spending the weekend with all of us. If you were here, add some more pics and comments. We'd like to hear from you.
We'll see ya'll next year!