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Thread: Justin Lascek's CFWF Program

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Austin TX USA

    Default Justin Lascek's CFWF Program

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    I've seen several threads where folks mention the "CFWF Program" posted by Justin Lascek in Autumn of 2009. The web page where it was orginally linked is gone, so I thought posting a current link to its location might be helpful.

    I personally don't think of it as "the CFWF program" (because that's both vague and incorrect), but as the WFAC GPP Program. I feel this is more precise because it bills itself as a GPP program and its designer created it for his clients at the Wichita Falls Athletic Club. But maybe that's just me.

    So here is a link:

    To summarize it:

    MON: Squat, Press, Chin/Pullups
    TUES: Power Cleans, MetCon
    WED: Rest or Skill day
    THURS: Squat, Bench
    FRI: Deadlift, MetCon

    Sets, reps, and weight increases are identical to Starting Strength workouts.

    MetCons are short (8-10 minutes max) and intense. The doc linked to above includes some sample MetCons.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Thanks for posting this, Robert.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Spartanburg, SC


    There are also several people running this style of programming (myself included) with decent success. Look in the General Training Logs for ideas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Austin TX USA


    Thanks JAM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Spartanburg, SC


    One of the things that hasn't been discussed much (searching hasn't turned up anything terribly useful) is trying to program this with an "intermediate" twist. AKA, the workout to workout linear gains have been exhausted.

    I was thinking of trying something like this, when I make it that far:

    Day 1
    Volumn Squat
    Intensity Press\Volumn Press (alt weekly)

    Day 2
    DL\PC (alt weekly)

    Day 3

    Day 4
    Intensity Squat (trying different things, like a triple, or 5 singles, or one 5rm)
    Volume BP\Intensity BP (alt weekly)
    Pullups (or maybe alt pullups and chins on day 1 and make this a row)

    Day 5
    Weighted Ab work
    maybe do GHR here instead of day 4?

    Day 6 and 7 off (day 6 for me is typically an outdoor day for me, but it's casual)

    With the upper body movements, progress would only be 5 lbs a month, so mathmatically it's no better than a "Wendler" program, but the squats would still be making 20lbs a month, and is better.

    If anyone has tried this or had clients advance far enough to warrant such a change, I'd be interested in hearing your expierences.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Beckett View Post
    MON: Squat, Press, Chin/Pullups
    TUES: Power Cleans, MetCon
    WED: Rest or Skill day
    THURS: Squat, Bench
    FRI: Deadlift, MetCon
    Just so you guys know, Justin made slight adjustments to this program and posted them on I think he posted it on December 24 (or 25) if anyone wants to look at the article. The "new" version is:

    MON: Squat, Press, Power Cleans
    TUES: Chin ups, Conditioning
    WED: Rest
    THURS: Squat, Bench, Deadlift
    FRI: Conditioning

    This way the strength training sessions are identical to those in SS, and they are fully separate from the conditioning sessions.

  7. #7
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    Austin TX USA


    So this new version we can definitely call the WFAC GPP Program then - to distinguish it from the "CFWF program".

    I like this one because I can do the whole Tuesday workout at the track. Very thoughtful, Justin.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Beckett View Post
    So this new version we can definitely call the WFAC GPP Program then - to distinguish it from the "CFWF program".
    Yeah. Crossfit has "MetCons", WFAC GPP has "conditioning".

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    East Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by JAM View Post
    There are also several people running this style of programming (myself included) with decent success.
    Can we get a report on how this is going? We're thinking about switching to a program like this for the summer

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Spartanburg, SC


    starting strength coach development program
    I didn't do a terribly good job of logging my metcon/conditioning/cardio so I can't really give you measurable data regarding those aspects. I "feel" faster, and my endurance is about the same as before (but fairly low). I'm much stronger than I was, see below.

    My September CFT: 680 @ 175lb BW
    SQ: 225 1RM (with shitty depth)
    Pr: 150 1RM
    DL: 305 1RM

    My latest successful worksets on this program: 210lb BW
    SQ: 290 for 3 sets of 5
    BP: 230 for 3 sets of 5
    Pr: 165 for 3 sets of 5
    DL: 345 for 1 set of 5
    PC: 165 for 7 sets of 2

    I don't believe in estimated maxes, so I won't try to figure those. I may get a wild hair and try another CFT in a few weeks just for kicks. Just using the current workset weight would give me a 800lb CFT.

    I've had to do some deloading on the squat due to depth problems and some missed workouts in Jan. I've recently hit a wall on squats and powercleans, most likely due to a drop in calories, but it's possible i've simply reached the end of linear progression with this program. Should know soon tho.

    I ate 5000+ kcal for the first couple months, and then dialed it back to 3500 kcal in late Jan (which may be whats causing problems, see above).

    I'm 30 years old, 5'-8 male.

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