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Thread: DL and P/clean Questions on TM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default DL and P/clean Questions on TM

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    Do they still alternate so you'l be doing DL's every 5th workout? so they will end up being done every other wednesday?

    Or is it best to keep them to 1x5 on a monday or friday and do them weekly?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    You've been here long enough that you should know the answer to questions like this:

    1. Read the books; and
    2. Search function;

    If you use option 2, you'll find most of the template for TM have you pulling heavy 1x5 on either volume or intensity day. The assumption is that you will eventually start doing things differently, once you get to be pulling heavy enough that you can't recover from it in a week. I suspect you aren't there yet, but you haven't given any information about your ability level or your goals, which I suspect is part of why you haven't had a response yet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Well i cant recover from DL's in a week at the moment and i'm still making novice gains, thats why I do them every 5 workouts outlined in the book.

    I've seen a couple of templates, and they have you Dling every monday or friday, its confusing me, because Rip recommends in the advanced novice proram that you should DL every fith workout, i.e if your DL'ing monday, you wont again till the following wenesday. why would a more advanced trainee DL more often than a novice? Is it because overall there is less volume in the TM template?

    I've read the intermediate section of the book, and It was never clear on this issue.
    Last edited by Aslin; 06-22-2010 at 11:04 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I can't tell you why, because I don't know for sure. I'm not a good person to take advice on programming from, I'm just trying to help you out because you weren't getting any responses.

    But yes, the squat volume is very different. Lots of intermediate programs have you deadlifting weekly. In fact, most of the ones recommended for people transitioning from novice do this. So it probably won't kill you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Ok, thanks man, maybe I could bother rip with this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Iowa, USA


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Aslin View Post
    Well i cant recover from DL's in a week at the moment and i'm still making novice gains, thats why I do them every 5 workouts outlined in the book.

    I've seen a couple of templates, and they have you Dling every monday or friday, its confusing me, because Rip recommends in the advanced novice proram that you should DL every fith workout, i.e if your DL'ing monday, you wont again till the following wenesday. why would a more advanced trainee DL more often than a novice? Is it because overall there is less volume in the TM template?

    I've read the intermediate section of the book, and It was never clear on this issue.
    In the sample programs at the back of PP, the Jesus Quintana TM program shows DL on Mondays, back hypers/GHR on Wed., & Power Cleans on Fri., so I take that as DL once a week on the heavy volume squat day.

    You probably have to program the DL progression a bit different using once a week vs. once every 5 workouts, using smaller incremental jumps on the former than the latter. I think the reasoning for the once a week is to make your high volume day really taxing, and not have DLs tax your recovery by having them occasionally fall on your second session of the week. I could be wrong, and Rip would be the one to clear that up. I suspect going once every five workouts would be fine, though.

    It is funny, but I had the problem with the once every 5 cycle, as an advanced novice, because the squats would tax me so much that I was able to do fewer and fewer GHRs on those days. It got to the point where I would get two or three reps a set on the first two sets, and then sometimes have trouble getting one on the last set. I could always still do my work set of DLs.

    DLs are a bitch on the TM high volume day, but what a stressor that day is. Doing GHRs on my light day no longer is so frustrating, as I no longer feel like I'm regressing rather than progressing. I would hate to try to do PCs at the end of my heavy volume workout on TM if I did it on the once every 5 rotation, but YMMV.

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