Your program looks interesting, start a training log so we can follow your progress.
Hi guys this is my first thread on the forum.
I have been training for 1 year and used starting strength, the Deadlift has always been my favorite lift and the one where i am genetically gifted (long arms short torso), i have also started to get interested in minimalist training and my aim is to compete in Deadlift only meets therefore i decided to focus on deadlifting twice a week and thats all.. No squatting or benching Just wanted to know what you think:
Day 1: Deadlift 5x2@80%
Day 2: Deficit Deadlift 3x4@70%
Rack pulls 3x4@85%
Day 1: Deadlift 8x3@ 65%
Day 2: Deficit 3x4@ 55%
Rack pulls 3x4@70%
Day 1: Deadlift 3x2@85%
Day 2: Deficit 3x3@ 75%
Rack pulls 3x3@90%
Day 1: Deadlift 6x2@70%
Day 2: Deficit 3x3@60%
Rack pulls 3x3@75%
Day 1: Deadlift singles 90-95%
Day 2: Deficit 3x2@80%
Rack pulls 3x2@ 95%
Day 1: Deadlift 5x2@75%
Day 2: Deficit 3x2@65%
Rack pulls 3x2@ 80%
let me know what you guys think.
My recovery is good, sleep a lot, eat a lot of protein (1kg of meat a day) and form is perfect.
Your program looks interesting, start a training log so we can follow your progress.
Last edited by Meshuggah; 10-03-2016 at 09:04 PM. Reason: ** ** **
This is the short version of the program because i want to test sooner otherwise i would start from 50% with higher reps.
For example?
The weeks are alternated with heavy work (80-95%) and speed work (65-75%) btw yes two days a week Deadlift (1 day conventional and 1 day with two variants)
Last edited by hatebreed; 10-04-2016 at 08:53 AM.
Being a specialist in a certain lift is cool and all, but wouldn't you think adding some sort of squat day would be beneficial to you? If you're doing the light speed day with DL variants you could always throw a few sets of squats in there on that day. After all the squat does compliment the dead very well as far as progression.
Back Squats are not needed to build a great deadlift, but I do highly recommend properly implemented Farmers Walks, Sled Dragging, and Zercher Squats.
I'm done Squatting with a bar on my back, my Safety Squat Bar is for sale.
Last edited by Meshuggah; 10-04-2016 at 03:07 PM.
Meshuggah say it ain't so?!
Btw i will move the third Deadlift Movement on a third day (i want to go more to the gym) and add an upper body hipertrophy exercise.
Day 1
Bench 3-4x8-10
Day 2
Ohp 3-4x8-10
Day 3
Rack pulls
Lat pulldown 3x10
For 6-9 weeks if i want to prepare for a new 1rm otherwise a longer cycle of 12-16 weeks. Just try out and see how much i will add
Last edited by hatebreed; 10-06-2016 at 08:16 AM.