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Thread: Squat 2505RM and Deadlift 335 2RM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Squat 2505RM and Deadlift 335 2RM

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    This is my 3rd week on Texas Method. After seeing excruciatingly slow squat progress for the entire 9 months I was on SS, Texas Method seems to be a whole new ballgame. My squat is up 25lb in 2 weeks.

    6'5" 208lbs and have been lifting for about 17 months but spent the first half of 2015 cutting.

    The squat is sort of a bastardized hybrid squat, after lots of experimentation it is what works best for me. I carry the bar on top of my traps but use a wide, knees-out low bar leg position.

    250 5RM

    On the deadlift I accidentally added 10 more pounds than I meant to but the 10lb plates were on the inside and I didn't feel like taking all the weight off so I went for a 2RM. I drop the bar like a savage because I didn't want to risk hurting my back on the descent (I sometimes forget to stay tight on the way down) with this untested weight. I had no idea it looked so horrific so I'll deload and control the bar better next time.

    335 2RM
    Last edited by mechtonia; 06-12-2015 at 02:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    You look underweight. Why did you cut so much weight. At 6'5" you could easily put on 50-75 more pounds. Is that what you intend doing?

    I see that you do Sumo. Ok. Is there are reason why you aren't doing the regular kind? Your hips are way too low. You seem to be setting up too far away from the bar. Also, don't breathe while lifting. You destroy valsalva. Wait to breathe after the bar is back on the floor.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by mechtonia View Post
    This is my 3rd week on Texas Method. After seeing excruciatingly slow squat progress for the entire 9 months I was on SS, Texas Method seems to be a whole new ballgame. My squat is up 25lb in 2 weeks.

    6'5" 208lbs and have been lifting for about 17 months but spent the first half of 2015 cutting.

    The squat is sort of a bastardized hybrid squat, after lots of experimentation it is what works best for me. I carry the bar on top of my traps but use a wide, knees-out low bar leg position.

    250 5RM

    On the deadlift I accidentally added 10 more pounds than I meant to but the 10lb plates were on the inside and I didn't feel like taking all the weight off so I went for a 2RM. I drop the bar like a savage because I didn't want to risk hurting my back on the descent (I sometimes forget to stay tight on the way down) with this untested weight. I had no idea it looked so horrific so I'll deload and control the bar better next time.

    335 2RM
    I'm not sure if you posted these looking for critiques, but I don't know what you mean about the squats being hybrid. They just look like high-bar squats with lots of forward knee travel and the requisite vertical back angle (could be the camera angle, but they also appear a smidge short of actually hitting parallel).

    On the two deadlift singles: It's okay to put the bar down with a thud, but you aren't controlling it at all. Stand all the way up (lift the chest up, don't overextend the lumbar) at the top, and keep your air until the bar is back on the floor. Is there a reason you're pulling sumo?

    Neither of these camera angles is really optimal for assessing issues with your technique, but those are the things I see. Hope it helps.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by carson View Post
    Why did you cut so much weight. At 6'5" you could easily put on 50-75 more pounds. Is that what you intend doing?
    I only cut from 215 to 195 and to be honest I don't think I cut much actual muscle or fat..I think it was all water/glycogen(?). I shot back up to 208 within 2 weeks of eating again. In other words I think I wasted 6 months. I'm 36 and was getting a bit chubby in the belly. My plan is to hit the 1,000lb club before cutting again. I'm not too focused on asthetics I just don't want a fat gut which is where all my fat is stored.

    Quote Originally Posted by carson View Post
    I see that you do Sumo. Ok. Is there are reason why you aren't doing the regular kind?
    Sumo feels way more natural to me. Conventional never felt right even after a year of working on it hard. Sumo instantly felt better on my first rep.

    Thanks for the critique. I'll definitely work on those things.
    Last edited by mechtonia; 06-12-2015 at 02:40 PM.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2014


    Thanks for the feedback.

    I always see high bar squats going a lot lower than I go and with a tighter stance. But I admit to not studying the high bar squat much. I agree that the depth looks questionable. I'll work on that.

    I'm pulling sumo just because conventional never felt natural to me even after a lot of hard work. Sumo pretty much instantly felt very natural. I'll work on my breathing don't plan on dropping the bar like that anymore.

  6. #6
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    Oct 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by mechtonia View Post
    Thanks for the feedback.

    I always see high bar squats going a lot lower than I go and with a tighter stance. But I admit to not studying the high bar squat much. I agree that the depth looks questionable. I'll work on that.

    I'm pulling sumo just because conventional never felt natural to me even after a lot of hard work. Sumo pretty much instantly felt very natural. I'll work on my breathing don't plan on dropping the bar like that anymore.
    This might come across a bit harsh, but it appears to me that you are looking for things that are easier and then say that they feel more natural.

    17 months of hard work and you squat 250 and deadlift 335? Had you added 5 pounds per week to both the lifts you would have started both lifts at negative weights. And I don't think people would consider adding 5 pounds per week hard work (not in the novice phase at least).

    So my questions would be:
    -Why are you using a "hybrid" squat model?
    -Be very honest, did you try your hardest on pulling conventional?
    -Why are you so light? I agree with the others that at 6'5" you could/should be at least a few pounds heavier.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by mgilchrest View Post
    Sumo probably feels more natural because it's easier. It's easier because your posterior chain is weak.

    You're 6'5", weigh 208 and have been lifting for 17 months. You did SS for 9 months with slow progress. Now your squat is up 25lbs in 2 weeks on TM.

    Here's what I can tell:

    -You did SS at a caloric deficit

    -TM gives you more recovery time, but you're lifting below your optimal threshold at this point, so easy gains

    You need to eat. Then eat more. Then eat more. Then do squats. Then eat more. Then do deadlifts.

    Coming out of the SSLP you should have weighed 230-250 pretty easily if you were committed to the overall plan.

    Before you cut again, aim for a 1200lb total.
    That makes sense. I added in heavy rack pulls and GHR recently and feel that my posterior and quads are much more balanced now. Before my back would collapse at weights that were easy for my quads to get up.

    I only figured out how to eat right last fall. So yeah, most of SS I wasn't at a surplus. I probably had 4 good months where I was gaining 1-1.2lbs/week.
    Last edited by mechtonia; 06-12-2015 at 05:05 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toot View Post
    This might come across a bit harsh, but it appears to me that you are looking for things that are easier and then say that they feel more natural.

    17 months of hard work and you squat 250 and deadlift 335? Had you added 5 pounds per week to both the lifts you would have started both lifts at negative weights. And I don't think people would consider adding 5 pounds per week hard work (not in the novice phase at least).

    So my questions would be:
    -Why are you using a "hybrid" squat model?
    -Be very honest, did you try your hardest on pulling conventional?
    -Why are you so light? I agree with the others that at 6'5" you could/should be at least a few pounds heavier.
    Thanks for the feedback. Doesn't sound harsh.

  9. #9
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    Nov 2008
    Sydney Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by mechtonia View Post
    I added in heavy rack pulls and GHR recently and feel that my posterior and quads are much more balanced now.
    Or you could just pull conventional instead.

    It generally seems you're trying to prematurely overcomplicate things. At your still relatively young age, I'd say your lifts are probably a bit too low to be starting TM - particularly a 335 sumo 2RM (based on what you've said, your conventional would be somewhat lower)

    You'd be better served running LP - properly this time. Once that's reached its conclusion, you'll be genuinely ready for intermediate programming (quite possibly not TM though)

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by mrflibble View Post
    At your still relatively young age, I'd say your lifts are probably a bit too low to be starting TM...
    Th-thanks. I'm almost 37.

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