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Thread: He who makes a beast of himself...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default He who makes a beast of himself...

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    ...gets rid of the pain of being a man. - Samuel Johnson

    So today I heard the heartbeat of my yet unborn child...very, very cool. I figured I'd commemorate this milestone by starting a log of my own. I've been lifting on and off for 5 years, though much of it was either "off" or doing BB splits. Not training. From 2002-2005, I was a serious runner and cyclist; logging about 40 miles running and 100+ miles cycling per week weighing about 130lbs. I'm 220 now at 5'11", 26 years old. I got serious about lifting in 2008, but quickly injured myself. Then some big life changes happened, and I haven't really lifted in the last year or so. In a nutshell, now I'm ready to settle back in...

    I lifted twice last week, and will probably lift three times this week getting my schedule back on track.

    Squat: 45x5x1, 135x5x1, 185x5x1, 225x5x3
    Press: 105x5x3
    DL: 275x5x1

    Squat: 45x5x1, 135x5x1, 185x5x1, 235x5x3
    Bench: 135x5x1, 185x5x3
    DL: 225x5x1, 275x1x1 (to take video of lift)

    Squat: 45x5x1, 135x5x1, 185x5x1, 245x5x3
    Press: 135x1x1 (still feels good), 115x5x3
    PC: 95x5x3 (never focused on these until now)
    Last edited by jameson; 03-06-2010 at 12:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Squat: 135x5x1, 185x5x1, 225x3x1, 255x5x3
    Bench: 135x5x1, 190x5x3
    DL: 225x5x1, 275x5x1

    OK, so my bench sucked. Considering I just began lifting again, I might consider lowering the weight as I've probably started off too high. My DL sucked, too. So a change might be necessary here as well.

    I was pretty gassed after my squats, and I'm hungrier now which probably means I'm not eating enough. I'll up my calories and keep the same weight next time to see if the lifts are any easier and then progress from there. Otherwise, I may drop the bench and DL by a few pounds.

    I'm crunched for time when lifting, too. Perhaps a few more warm-up sets on bench might help. Kinda doubt it though. I should probably drop the weight for the warm-up DL. This would leave more in the tank...

    If anybody's reading this and cares to chime in...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Nashville, TN


    Quote Originally Posted by jameson View Post
    Squat: 135x5x1, 185x5x1, 225x3x1, 255x5x3
    Bench: 135x5x1, 190x5x3
    DL: 225x5x1, 275x5x1

    OK, so my bench sucked. Considering I just began lifting again, I might consider lowering the weight as I've probably started off too high. My DL sucked, too. So a change might be necessary here as well.

    I was pretty gassed after my squats, and I'm hungrier now which probably means I'm not eating enough. I'll up my calories and keep the same weight next time to see if the lifts are any easier and then progress from there. Otherwise, I may drop the bench and DL by a few pounds.

    I'm crunched for time when lifting, too. Perhaps a few more warm-up sets on bench might help. Kinda doubt it though. I should probably drop the weight for the warm-up DL. This would leave more in the tank...

    If anybody's reading this and cares to chime in...
    I just responded to your email...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Squat: 45x5x2, 135x5x1, 225x3x1, 265x5x3
    Press: 95x5x1, 120x5x3
    Clean: 95x5x1, 105x5x3
    L-chins: BWx5x3

    I lost form on my squats as they were pretty hard. This may be mental as it's just shy of the weight I was using when I hurt my back last year. Whatever the case, I'm going to reset to 255 and add back 5lbs each workout to see how that goes. Presses went up easy, and the cleans were fun - though my traps hurt so bad I'm sure to have "the yoke" in no time...
    Last edited by jameson; 03-05-2010 at 09:24 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Squat: 135x5x1, 185x5x1, 225x3x1, 255x5x3
    Bench: 135x5x1, 195x5x3
    DL: 225x3x1, 285x5x1
    L-chins: BWx5x2

    Squats went up easier - they were hard but felt good. Elbows hurt a little bit so I'll have to figure that one out. Form felt solid.

    Bench I tried a Wendler-esque approach with my heels up and touching. I wasn't bridging, and it felt pretty natural. Elbows hurting from squat so I widened a finger's width which helped a lot.

    I tried a modified-sumo DL. Won't do that again. 285x1. Remaining DL's with conventional went up just fine.

    These L-chins, or whatever they're called, suck so I guess they're doing the job.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010



    Went on a 2.8 mile hike with the wife today. I'm fat and out of shape, but I got to feel manly by carrying her back-and-forth across the creek. Good times. Good times...
    Last edited by jameson; 03-08-2010 at 11:17 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Squat: 135x5x1, 185x5x1, 225x3x1, 245x1x1, 260x5x3
    Press: 95x5x1, 125x5x3
    Clean: 115x5x3
    L-chins: BWx5x3

    Squat: Sooo easy this time, the 5lb increments are helping...a lot. The two day break didn't hurt either. Hopefully, I can take this novice thing quite a bit further. I asked Stef to move this thread as I've been feeling a bit presumptuous about this log being in the intermediate section.

    Press: Still easy.

    Clean: If you can call it that - I need a coach. Good thing Stacey's coming by soon. Sucks for him as he's gonna be doing some free coaching.

    Elbows are much better. Cleans left 'em a little stiff.

    L-chins: Sucking less and less.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Love the quote -- and I just saw the heartbeat of my unborn child (too soon to hear it). Keep up the good work.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by poopmonkey View Post
    Love the quote -- and I just saw the heartbeat of my unborn child (too soon to hear it). Keep up the good work.
    Thanks for the reply. Is this your first? This is ours, and hearing the heartbeat is one of the coolest things I've ever heard. I can't wait until mid-April when we find out the sex. Congrats to you and yours!
    Last edited by jameson; 03-10-2010 at 09:41 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Squat: 135x5x1, 185x5x1, 225x3x1, 245x1x1, 265x5x3
    Bench: 135x5x1, 195x5x3
    DL: 225x5x1, 295x5x1 (singles really)
    L-chins: wasn't gonna happen

    For those of you who train in the morning, my beanie's off to you.

    I was feeling pretty sick last night so I thought I'd get up early this morning and train if I felt better. I did so I went in.

    Squat: harder, but attainable. I suspect my form was decent, but I lost count on my second set as I was straining pretty hard and getting dizzy.

    Bench: well, I'd have went to 200 but I forgot to check my log this morning. 195 went up nice and easy.

    DL: sucked. I'm hoping it was just that I'd been sick and training at a weird time, but I basically did 1 overhand, rest, 2 mix-grip, rest, 1 more, rested about a minute, and then did my last one.

    All in all, I did what I thought I needed to do. It seemed like the weights moved easy enough, but my body was pretty taxed - as in my body just didn't want to move even though pushing/pulling the weight wasn't all that bad. Hopefully, I'll be fully recovered for next time.

    ***I'm also having to remind myself that I've only been training for a few weeks now as I'm getting discouraged about my numbers...

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