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Thread: Squat shoes kill my knees

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Orange County, CA

    Default Squat shoes kill my knees

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    They really do. I squatted yesterday for the first time in squat shoes, and today my knees weren't well.

    A little bit of background... About 11 years ago, when I was still jogging, I started developing pain somewhere half way between the front of the knee and the inner side of the knee. After resting for a few days the pain went away, so I started jogging again. Pain came back. I rested. I got well. Started jogging again, and so on... for a few cycles. Eventually I stopped jogging.

    I tried to jog again a few times during those past years, and same thing happened, so I stopped completely. No big deal, I never liked jogging anyway, I did it only because I thought it's "healthy". I probably killed my knees from too many years of soccer. Besides, I can do sprints without any pain.

    When I started SS I was a little worried about those knee problems. I made sure that my knees were always pointing out while squatting, and I haven't had any problems in my 3 months of SS. My squat form probably isn't great, but my knees are always out.

    Enter the squat shoes yesterday... Really excited about them... Since the feel was different, I did my squats very, very mindful of my form. As I was doing the reps I could feel that old knees pain. I made extra sure my form was right, and I believe it was. Still, my knees didn't like it too much. I figured it's just the new shoes, I'll get used to them eventually.

    However, today I could feel the pain every single time I was walking. The pain comes from training with the squat shoes, without any doubt.

    I'll train in my sneakers again until the pain goes away, and I'll give the squat shoes another try. I'm not optimistic though.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Have you ever posted a form check?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Orange County, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by spar View Post
    Have you ever posted a form check?
    I haven't. I've always wanted to, and now I guess I really should.

    Not to discard at all the value of having my form checked, but I doubt that in this particular instance the form is what causes my inner knees pain. I got to 300 lbs (not a lot, but PR for me), without any squeak from my knees, and the one time I squat in squat shoes, with the exact same form, my knees hurt badly (admittedly due to an older problem).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Did they hurt during your warmup sets? Squat shoes do change the movement, and if you had a pre-existing knee issue, it might have been smarter to start the weight off lower with the new shoes and give yourself time to get used to the change.

  5. #5
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    Orange County, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC1 View Post
    Did they hurt during your warmup sets? Squat shoes do change the movement, and if you had a pre-existing knee issue, it might have been smarter to start the weight off lower with the new shoes and give yourself time to get used to the change.
    No, they didn't. They did only during the heavy sets (heavy for me). That's a good idea; I will squat next time with the shoes and with a lower weight. I've had the very strong feeling anyway that I'm due for a reset (and didn't want to admit it). I think I'll reset and see how it goes with the shoes. It might not work though, but I'll try it anyway, Now I remember when I was jogging and had the knee problems and I would do same thing: light jogging, just to get my knees going. It never helped. As soon as I jogged it started hurting, regardless of the intensity.

    When I was squatting with them I could feel how the higher heel kind of "pushes" me forward. I made sure I didn't end up on my toes and that the weight was evenly distributed on the entire foot. Still, because of the angle, I felt like more weight than usual ended up on the front of the foot and toes, which in turn transmitted tension to my inner knees.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    I didn't get knee pain when I started using my shoes, but I definitely had to change the way I squatted, since the raised heel pushed me onto my toes if I just squatted as though I was barefoot. Once you learn how to get around the change of mechanics the shoes incorporate, I'd assume you'd be fine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    What brand and model of squat shoes? Just out of curiosity what size are they? I am looking to get a pair.

  8. #8
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    Orange County, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by hoby View Post
    What brand and model of squat shoes? Just out of curiosity what size are they? I am looking to get a pair.
    Those are the ones: I got a 13. They are very stable.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Orange County, CA


    starting strength coach development program
    Today I squatted again with the shoes and with the normal weight, and I didn't have any knee problems. I hope all will be well tomorrow with my knees. If yes, I'm looking forward to squatting in them.

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