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Thread: Texas Method = Less exercises?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Texas Method = Less exercises?

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    I tried searching for this, but there are too many TM threads and couldn't find anything.

    On SS, ive been working equally on my press and bench by alternating each day. Now, moving onto the TM, how do I work both moves? It seems as if you are really only focusing on one of the two during the program.

    Is there a way to bring up both lifts?

    Or do I just decide one one of them? If so, which one would you recommend?

    Max bench ~260
    Max Press ~ 170

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I don't know what you mean by focusing, but the press and bench in the TM are usually worked like this for beginning templates:

    Bench 5x5

    Press 2x5

    Bench 1x5 or 1x3

    Press 5x5

    Bench 2x5

    Press 1x5 or 1x3

    Alternate week 1 and week 2. Your loads (% or what you feel like) on Volume and Recovery are up to you. Change it up if you need to do something else (less or more volume, fewer reps on intensity day). This is fairly generic, you customize as your training dictates.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    When I start TMing bench, which will be soon, I will be doing Week 1 from famendoza's example. I plan on competing in PL though, so I place a priority on the bench. I figure that best case scenario with microloading the press you are adding 2.5# a week anyways so you might as well do it once a week. I am also prepared to switch between 3x3 and 3x5 - do a weight at 3x5, go up, do 3x3 there, next week do 3x5, go up, etc, with two weeks at each weight before advancing - but that is if necessary.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Thanks for the responses guys.

    Ive seen it that way, and then ive seen it where you ONLY include bench, Ie:

    M: bench 5x5
    W: Bench 3x3 or 2x5 (80% less)
    F: Bench 1,3, or 5rm

    Then on week two you are adding weight to Monday, and Friday hopefully, and wednesday does go up as well because its always 80% less.

    The way you mentioned seems possible, but then a gain you'll only be increasing the weight every TWO weeks.

    M: bench 5x5
    W: press 2x5 or 3x3 (not sure what to base this weight off, maybe the past weeks 5x5 press)
    F: Bench 1,3, or 5rm

    Then week two

    M: press 5x5
    W: bench 2x5 or 3x3 (and I assume 80% of weeks 1's Monday)
    F: Press 1,3, or 5rm

    Then the third week would be the same as week one but with M,F moving up in weight.

    The only problem im seeing, is that the Monday workout on bench stimulates strength increases for the friday workout, and then you aren't really having any more BENCH stimulus for another 9 days and then you bench again but heavier. The carryover from Press would be the only thing really helping drive up the bench at that point, which im sure it would.

    So im not really sure what to do. I think gains would be better if you were able to "work" them both each week with at least one workout that would stimulate growth.

    The only way I can really think of making it work is by maybe "focusing" on one of the lifts and hitting the other one with some "accessory" movements or just "grooving" the other lift by practicing it and not overloading.

    ex: Press focus

    M: Press 5x5
    W: Press 3x3, bench (multiple sets of 3 or 5, basically warm-up to a "working weight" and then stop or do ONE working set)
    F: Press max + Bench 5x5 or something similar

    So the focus would be on increasing the press and would be almost identical to the TM. Friday's workout would include Bench AFTER the press and would move up similar to all other loading protocols but you obviously wouldn't load as drastically, because you are focusing on the press. Then wednesday workout for bench would be used as a way to get more "practice" in and test to see if you are improving, but with minimal extra stres.

    I think this could work, and maybe the press 3x3 wouldn't be needed on wednesday and the bench would just take its place.

    Ill look through PP more and some of the threads, but let me know if you guys think this is a viable option.

    ***Also if it makes a difference, ive been training for a lot longer than the average person on starting strength (even though im still not that strong) im 5'11" 210-215lbs and am eating enough to recover and gain weight pretty steadily.

    Thank you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Sure. I'd add though, that your worry about lag time between bench volume workouts would not be as much of a concern (if you've really exhausted the beginner approach) as would recovery. Really, IMHO that's the main point. Being able to recover so you can progress. Sometimes that doesn't happen even with the beginning template in my above post, so you have to change it. Without too much experience on my plate, I would say that beyond beginner templates (like SS), it's all individual. It's a good place to start though. Have fun!
    Last edited by famendoza; 02-20-2010 at 12:48 PM.

  6. #6


    dankid, it's too much volume. now you have 5x5 press, 3x3/2x5 press, bench 1x5, press 1x5, and bench 5x5 in a single week. so 14 sets of 5. SS was 9 sets. the basic TM template is 5x5, 2x5, 1x5, or 8 sets. mainly that 5x5 on friday is going to interfere with monday.

    i've followed that standard template, alternating bench and press workouts with the recovery day a light workout of the other lift, and have progressed for a bit over 6 months now without stalling or changing much of anything (i did switch recovery from 3x3 to 2x5 to save time because i don't think it matters). i am finally having to tweak monday to hit press PRs on friday.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Alright thanks miles...... I'll start with the basic method of alternating the two each week with the recovery of the opposite exercise and see how that goes. And then i'll adjust IF it doesn't work.

    Thanks again everyone.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    By the way, I'm fairly certain that there are some posts on this topic in the Rip section.

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