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Thread: Moiz's struggle to power

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Slough, UK

    Default Moiz's struggle to power

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello Everyone

    I'm Moiz and I've been doing SS for some time and figured the time is right to start one of these logs after much harassment from my mates Sami and Hari. So here we go then

    Im about 5' 11'' or 180cm and at the moment 81kg which is 12.75st and have been doing SS for about 2 years but I only started taking it seriously a year ago in October. Since then I've probably put on about 7kg and I'm much stronger than I used to be.
    I'm going into 3rd yr as a medical student (passed all my exams this year ) with another 4 years to go! So I guess I've got a lot of time to get stronger before I graduate as a beast of a man hopefully

    My main aims are to get stronger and more powerful in general. Partly the reason for this is because I live in the unforgiving area of Slough, which for those of you who don't know, a bloody dangerous place to live
    so I kinda want to be able to protect myself

    For the past year from Oct to May I've been doing SS as best I can - piling on the calories, doing all the lifts, getting sleep (at times prioritising SS over my medical lectures :P )
    This is my before and after up to date:

    Before SS (approx)
    Squat 40kg x 3 x 5
    Deadlift 60kg x 1 x 5
    Bench Press 30kg x 3 x 5
    Power Clean 40kg x 5 x 3
    Press 25kg x 3 x 5

    Squat 122.5kg x 3 x 5
    Deadlift 145kg x 1 x 5
    Bench Press 65kg x 3 x 5
    Power Clean 65kg x 5 x 3
    Press 47.5kg x 3 x 5

    Throughout the year I've had to take longer than needed breaks from the gym (stupid med exams and holidays ) so I progressed a little less than I had hoped but meh, I'm stronger now

    I'm currently working out in this God-awful gym in Slough because its Summer hols over here and Uni has finished for the year but on the plus side I have access to much food, much sleep and more importantly some weights.
    Last edited by Qureshi; 07-31-2010 at 04:37 AM. Reason: smiley fail

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Cool story, brohammed.

    Is Slough near Tescos?

    Nice work though Moiz, but I'll promptly catch back up and surpass you after my resit.

    Did you print out that pic I sent you to give to those pesky PTs?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    lol, why did you tag Hari and I? wtf?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Slough, UK

    Default Friday just gone

    Ok Friday was a bit hit and miss to be honest. Some things went well, some went to shit.

    20 x 8
    60 x 8
    80 x 5
    100 x 4
    110 x 1
    122.5 x 3 x 5 PR! - FAIL

    Bench Press
    20 x 10
    40 x 5
    50 x 5
    55 x 3
    62.5 x 3 x 5

    60 x 5
    80 x 5
    100 x 3
    120 x 3
    130 x 1
    145 x 1
    142.5 x fail
    140 x 1
    130 x 1 x 5
    150 x 1 x 42secs

    As you can see I epicallly failed the deadlift - most likely cos of a heavy squat and greedy 5kg jump at a near PR territory.

    Squat was a bit messed up to be honest. The warm up sets felt slightly more tiring than usual especially the one rep at 100, so by the time I got to the work set, it was much harder work than usual. Slightly shallower squats than i would have liked but I'm slowly working on it. Lets just ignore the fail of a rep when I didn't realise that the bar was bumping into the plates below
    Tbh I was amazed at how easy the second set felt, but the third set was just that much harder to make up for it and afterwards I felt a sort of muscular dull pain in the very lower back, just below the glutes. Im not quite sure why...

    Bench was actually the best I've done so far. I think I've figured out why I've been doing so badly in this lately. I guess I used to try to let the bar drop on the way down and then try to save myself by pushing up as hard as possible. Not clever. I corrected this for the sets and not a single problem. So hopefully I will see progress soon. Hopefully

    Deadlift. Massive. Oh. Dear. This one fucking lift is always a dodgy one for me. Some days I'll feel soupa strong and others I just cant be arsed. I could tell when I took 100kg off the ground that it would be one of 'those' days. 130 went up VERY slowly. I'm surprised 145 even came off the ground when I did it. Ah well, I guess ill increase slowly next time.
    The same pain that I was getting from after the squats I got immediately after each dl set except much worse. It sort of kicks in when I load my muscles to pull off the floor. Its sort of a distracting pain in the lower back that stops me from putting all my energy into the lifts. And after my last lift the pain was there for at least 5-10 mins. Nasty.
    At the end I did 1 rep of 150 from the pins and held it there for some to train grip. No problem except the actual lifting. The pain in the back again.

    I also did some Croc rows with some custom-built dumbells as the most they go up to in this crappy gym is 35kg. So I did 40 with each arm for 3 sets of 5. No problem.

    Not too bad a session I guess. Im in PR territory so these things will happen. Ill just tread carefully from now on. And maybe try to stop GMing completely when coming out of the hole in squats. That should take care of the back probs.

    Bw was 81kg at the time. Is now 83 after a massive pig-out this weekend
    Last edited by Qureshi; 08-01-2010 at 12:19 PM. Reason: I always forget something...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Slough, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Sami View Post
    lol, why did you tag Hari and I? wtf?
    For shits and giggles Sami. Dw I'll take it down - I wont cramp your style

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Jeezus Moiz, what in the actual hell happened to your squat? It's good that you're at least squatting more than when we trained last, but your form is worse than ever! Pretty much all high, knees are getting shoved forward at the bottom, the bar is drifting forward past your toes on the way up, then back again at lock out. It's a cluster-fuck. Don't make me come to Slough.

    There's little point trying to argue with those shit-head personal trainers there, if you don't get that sorted. Post that in Rip's Q&A and he won't be so polite, if even posts it at all. Other than that, you've got a strong lock-out, and you're definitely much stronger than you were a couple of months back. You seem to have been stuck at 100kg-ish for a long time, it's good to see you blast past that now. Depth is always been an issue, looks about the same as it was when you were still squatting 100kg, so it's not like you've sacrificed depth for weight. So you're definitely getting stronger.

    Keep your knees in position at the bottom, really focus on it. De-load and descend slower for a session or two, just to nail it. I also found the guy doing 1/4 pullups quite amusing in vid 2/set 1.

    And nice shoes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    I know you can hit depth, see:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Slough? Slough's dangerous? Try living in Croydon, pussy.

    Yeah, squats are a bit high but it's all looking good otherwise. Damn, we're basically the same on the press, fucking shoulder injuries.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Last edited by Sami; 08-03-2010 at 02:11 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Babu View Post
    Slough? Slough's dangerous? Try living in Croydon, pussy.
    Last time I went to Croydon, there were rainbows and children playing in colourful rose gardens along the high street.
    Last edited by Sami; 08-03-2010 at 02:12 PM.

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