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Thread: Need help getting more hip drive on my squats (video included)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Toronto, Ontario

    Default Need help getting more hip drive on my squats (video included)

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I'd really appreciate some guidance, I've tried rebuilding my squat form numerous times over the years, and have often ended up with long lasting pain my hips which I suspect is due to the lack of hip drive.

    Thing is, bar path seems more or less vertical to my untrained eye. Not sure how I can get more hip drive without changing bar path.

    These definitely don't feel right - they feel more quad than hamstring oriented.

    Sorry about the angle, will try to improve in future. The camera angle makes my feet look closer together than they really are.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    A better video would be of help. Please see the sticky. What I can tell you is that you appear to be flexing your spine. It is possible that driving your knees out more will correct this, but I cannot tell from here. The secret to hip drive is, wait for it, initiating the squat from your hips. You are lifting your chest. Lean over and drive up with your sacrum. Your chest will come along for the ride. Your sacrum doesn't really drive anything up, but think of the squat as coming from there. In the event you cannot get a grasp of this on your own, get in touch with Cibiri at Element CrossFit in Mississauga.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Toronto, Ontario


    Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it.

    Yep am planning to visit Alex this summer (I saw him a few years ago and he helped my then girlfriend immensely with her deadlifts).

    I'll try to get a better angle next time, and focus on keeping my spine more rigid.


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