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Thread: Advice for reset on 531

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Advice for reset on 531

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    Ok. I'm stalled. I haven't looked up the official advice for restetting, and I'm sure this has already been asked. But, im curious to know how older lifters have handled resets on this program.

    I've had predictable setbacks- missed a 531 workout two,months in a row,and missed Deload week 2 months in a row, also, schedule, party habits and sleep have been definate factors in my stall. So I'm thinking a 3-40% Deload will give me some steam- then maybe skip a Deload week or two to power back up, but my form is shit on all lifts and Im missing reps two months in a row. Just looking for advice from old guys who have experience in resets. I've also considered going back to Texas method or exploring another intermediate program - but this has worked well for me. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington


    Reset your training max to 90%. That is the official protocol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Orange, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Narvaez View Post
    Reset your training max to 90%. That is the official protocol.
    Official according to who?

    The purpose of the Reset or Recycle is to allow recovery to take place. Thus, the Reset or Recycle needs to be something light and easy.

    Most often, dropping 10% isn't going to accomplish the goal, recovery.

    To effectively do that a 20-30% drop works well.

    Kenny Croxdale

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I think your both right - resetting to 90% is more of a Deload than 30%

    I guess if I'm resetting I should be hitting tons of reps on the last sets right? Or, should I Reset to a level where I'm just getting double the prescribed reps- as is normal for 531? Does resetting give an advantage because of the high volume it affords or is it more like literally the body resting itself (as the term would indicate) for the next run up? I just want to gt stronger and for the first time it really looks like I'm not.
    In real terms, am I going in after/instead of Deload week to deadlift 250 for 15 or so or am I doing 290 for 10? Which is a better reset?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Fort Worth


    I am not a fan of a shit ton of reps as a result of a rest. A reset is different than a Deload. With your lifestyle I think it would be wise to take every Deload week unless you switch to training 2 days a week. Don't skip Deload week. For reset I agree with taking where you first didn't meet the required reps in the program and reset the training max to 90% of that training max. Work up and don't skip that recovery week. By not recovering you are wasting more time by setting up more resets in the future. Your impatience will screw you over.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny Croxdale View Post
    Official according to who?
    Jim Wendler, the guy who wrote the fucking book that contains the program JM3 is asking about.

  7. #7
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    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Bryanccfshr View Post
    I am not a fan of a shit ton of reps as a result of a rest. A reset is different than a Deload. With your lifestyle I think it would be wise to take every Deload week unless you switch to training 2 days a week. Don't skip Deload week. For reset I agree with taking where you first didn't meet the required reps in the program and reset the training max to 90% of that training max. Work up and don't skip that recovery week. By not recovering you are wasting more time by setting up more resets in the future. Your impatience will screw you over.
    I rarely skip Deload week, ive enjoyed doing them as assistance or more conditioning weeks, but p, to be clear I "missed" them entirely two months in a row. Along with one workout from 531. I'm a little surprised to be 10lbs weaker on every week,

    But that kind of answers my question- instead of resetting ala Wendler, a 30 % Deload might serve me better.

  8. #8
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    Fort Worth


    Quote Originally Posted by JM3 View Post
    I rarely skip Deload week, ive enjoyed doing them as assistance or more conditioning weeks, but p, to be clear I "missed" them entirely two months in a row. Along with one workout from 531. I'm a little surprised to be 10lbs weaker on every week,

    But that kind of answers my question- instead of resetting ala Wendler, a 30 % Deload might serve me better.
    Also if you do want to push every week Texas method is excellent but as you know the recovery has to be as perfect as you can manage.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Yeah, Texas method fucked me after awhile. If I switch back I'm going to seriously manipulate volume days to reflect my age!

    Thanks for the input y'all. Alot of this is obvious- but it helps to hear it nonetheless.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    I ran 531 for a while with schedule/lifestyle problems. If I had reset 10% when I stalled due to missing workouts and poor recovery I would have gradually regressed my lifts to less than what they were when I started. YMMV.

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