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Thread: undulating periodization

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default undulating periodization

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    The only decent source I have seen about undulating periodization is Dan Austins' powerlifting ebook and a book about nonlinear periodization called "Optimizing Strength Training. Does anybody have any info on undulating(websites,ebooks,etc)? Mostly I just want to know what a program would actually look like using it. Also, I am just looking at the different forms of periodization for research purposes.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Rio Rancho, NM (Basically, Albuquerque)


    Quote Originally Posted by hsilman View Post
    Prepare Yourself
    Prepare yourself to see a ridiculously long post formatted like this
    I apprecite you promoting me. The color looks good.

    Kenny Croxdale

  4. #4
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Larousse View Post
    The only decent source I have seen about undulating periodization is Dan Austins' powerlifting ebook and a book about nonlinear periodization called "Optimizing Strength Training. Does anybody have any info on undulating(websites,ebooks,etc)? Mostly I just want to know what a program would actually look like using it. Also, I am just looking at the different forms of periodization for research purposes.

    Undulating is just a form of non-linear periodization. You can buy all sorts of books talking about it but not actually describing a useful program. Westside is a form on undulating periodization. Using different RPE scales on different days is a form of undulating periodization. Daily undulating periodization is kind of the same, with one exception being the movements typically stay the same (for the most part) but the volume and intensity changes during each week or microcycle.

  5. #5
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    Rio Rancho, NM (Basically, Albuquerque)

    Default Unudulating/Non-Linear Periodization

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Larousse View Post
    The only decent source I have seen about undulating periodization is Dan Austins' powerlifting ebook and a book about nonlinear periodization called "Optimizing Strength Training. Does anybody have any info on undulating(websites,ebooks,etc)? Mostly I just want to know what a program would actually look like using it. Also, I am just looking at the different forms of periodization for research purposes.
    Optimizing Strength

    This is a good book by Drs Fleck and Kraemer. If you don't have it, you should pick it up.

    Nonlinear Periodization for Size and Strength

    This is a good article on Undulating/Non-Linear Periodization. I am not familiar with Autsin's book. I am sure Austin provides good information, as well.

    Various Undulating/Non-Linear Training Cycles

    The gamut of a Undulating/Non-Periodization can be as short as on training session (Daily Undulating Periodization) to longer three week cycles.

    "The General Adaptation Syndrome"

    Periodization Training is based on "The General Adaptation Syndrome, GAS." It has been dumbbed down to "Muscle Confusion".

    Simply put, at some point in an individuals training cycle, their body adapts to a training program and they stop making progress.

    Training Age

    One of the determinate factors in how often to change an individuals program it their Training Age. Training Age meaning how many years they have been training.

    Novice lifters can follow a training program longer because body takes longer to adapt.

    Elite lifters need to change their program more often because their body adapts faster.

    Common Sense Approach

    When a training program stops working, you need to change something.


    One of the first to touch on Undulating/Non-Linear Periodizaton was Charles Poliquin's "Five Steps to Increasing Your Strength Training Program" in the 1988 National Strength and Condition Research Journal.

    I can email you that research along with some other reseach that I have, if you are intersted.

    Personal Experience

    As someone who's used his method for over tweny years for powerlifting, I can tell you it is an effective method.

    My Non-Linear Periodization Cycles for staple movements is three weeks.

    For auxiliary exercises, I often change it up every workout.

    Kenny Croxdale
    Last edited by Kenny Crox; 03-28-2013 at 06:20 AM. Reason: Revision

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Yeah. The Texas Method and 5-3-1 are decent examples of non-linear periodization.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2012


    I can email you that research along with some other reseach that I have, if you are intersted.

    Yes, would love to read it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Rio Rancho, NM (Basically, Albuquerque)


    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Larousse View Post
    I can email you that research along with some other reseach that I have, if you are intersted.

    Yes, would love to read it.

    Check your private message.

    Kenny Croxdale

  9. #9
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    Rio Rancho, NM (Basically, Albuquerque)


    Quote Originally Posted by LimieJosh View Post
    Yeah. The Texas Method and 5-3-1 are decent examples of non-linear periodization.
    Nice example.

    Kenny Croxdale

  10. #10
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    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    All progressions are linear if viewed from a high enough perspective over a long enough period. What makes it non-linear are the undulations that exists within each training cycle.

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