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Thread: bad training day blah random rant boo hoo cheese with my whine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Boston, MA

    Default bad training day blah random rant boo hoo cheese with my whine

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    i was gonna do 180 lb squats today (5 lbs from body weight) and i could barely get 3 reps in the first set.. something was wayyyyyy off not sure why.. so i lowered the weight and struggled through 3*5*155 which was very very odd.. i didn't realize i was physically fatigued until i got under the bar.

    then right before i was going to do my last set of squats, a transformer @ the gym was blown out and they announced the gym would be closing in 10 mins.. so i did my last set of pathetic squats and called it a day..

    came home and did a volume/hypertrophy style workout for chest.. heavy dumbbells for chest doesn't feel right. dumbbells for reps feels way better. at least it's something.

    i only have dumbbells so no deadlifts.. i tried deadlifting the dumbbells lol but it felt very awkward and wrong, definitely not the same as the bar. did some chair dips.

    that was @ 11:30 AM and it's almost 7:30 PM now and it's still irritating me.

    i wonder what went wrong with the squats.. gonna sleep like a log next couple of nights, up the calories a little, and skip my daily hourly walk and hopefully it will be fixed. or maybe it's a sign i need to reset squat a bit. i had a good run from 95 to 180... (lbs not kilograms yeah i have a weak ass posterior chain)
    Last edited by vikvik20; 06-09-2011 at 06:29 PM. Reason: no homo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Erratic performance can be linked to erratic form, as a rule. Another guess is improper recovery (eating enough quality food, resting properly, not doing other stupid shit that'd compromise your training).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Usually if you miss that badly it is probably just a bad day. They happen. The only other thing would be overtraining but you would know it if you were. No motivation, loss of appetite, problems eating, etc..... See what happens on the next workout.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Boston, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by blowdpanis View Post
    Erratic performance can be linked to erratic form, as a rule. Another guess is improper recovery (eating enough quality food, resting properly, not doing other stupid shit that'd compromise your training).
    past couple of days were just business as usual but right now i feel more "sleepy" than i usually do at this hour.... a quiet fatigue is definitely there. i'll skip the walking even though, per rip, walking is not exercise. walking is shopping. it doesn't recruit any muscles enough to compromise SS as per my understanding.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by vleon1012 View Post
    past couple of days were just business as usual but right now i feel more "sleepy" than i usually do at this hour.... a quiet fatigue is definitely there. i'll skip the walking even though, per rip, walking is not exercise. walking is shopping. it doesn't recruit any muscles enough to compromise SS as per my understanding.
    Coffee and music you find enjoyable may be the only fixes necessary if everything else is in place.

  6. #6
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    Boston, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by dkggpeters View Post
    Usually if you miss that badly it is probably just a bad day. They happen. The only other thing would be overtraining but you would know it if you were. No motivation, loss of appetite, problems eating, etc..... See what happens on the next workout.
    Nahh i doubt i could be overtraining i don't believe.. hungry 24/7, can't weight to hit the squat rack after warmups, etc..... I'm 5"10 185 eating 3.5 - 4K/cals and i just hit BW bench and in 2-3 sessions i should hit BW squats so i believe i'm far from OT.. first bad day i've had on SS... this bud wheat beer is easing the agony of defeat though

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Don't worry, you'll get it next time you do it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    When this happens, take a light day (80% of the weight of your last workout) , smash it and have excellent form, and then come back confident the next workout. Take it in stride.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    SF, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by vleon1012 View Post
    past couple of days were just business as usual but right now i feel more "sleepy" than i usually do at this hour.... a quiet fatigue is definitely there. i'll skip the walking even though, per rip, walking is not exercise. walking is shopping. it doesn't recruit any muscles enough to compromise SS as per my understanding.
    I know a dude that lifts daily trains Muay Thai 2x a week and goes to law school don't worry about compromising your lifting.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    starting strength coach development program
    OP, how often are you deadlifting and how much?

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