A gain of 10lbs is fine for a 47yo guy who's already in the mid-20s bodyfat. That bodyfat would even with no extra calories give him some muscle growth; the extra bodyfat provides the caloric surplus, so long as he has enough protein in him it'll be fine. But a small caloric surplus is better.
OP (who should rename himself), keep your diet as it is overall but add some protein-heavy food to it, something like a half-pound piece of steak each day. Deload everything 10-20% then build back up by the smallest steps you can take with the weight plates you have. The extra protein should help squeeze out some more progress.
After that, try another 10-15% drop and then one of the methods I described in
this article. The "5,5,10" works well for guys with a healthy amount of spare chub.