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Thread: Help with program that allows other training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sandbach, UK

    Default Help with program that allows other training

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    So, I did SS for a bit, not a massive amount of time, got my squat up from zero to 110kg x 5, DL to 125, nothing much but making progress. However, my main 'thing' besides my new appreciation of strength training is martial arts, and I train usually two hours a day, plus I'm a postie so I cycle and carry bags around at work. The point of this is that recovery from the SS workouts was dropping off because of my other training, and my training was suffering because of doing SS, and neither of these are good.

    I've been looking for a similar program where I can continue to get stronger, but which won't hobble my other training - I know this will necessitate slower gains than on SS, but as long as I'm still making gains then I'm fine with that, it's a life-long thing anyway and I'm only 28. Now, the first such program that I came across was 531, which certainly looks good in terms of allowing me to do my training as well. However... I know I just said that slow is fine, but 531 seems really slow!

    This is the point where I finally get to the question - does anybody have any other ideas? An inbetween program of some sort?

    P.S. Please don't anybody say 'just stop whinging and get stronger', or 'just eat more'! I eat plenty (truly) and I'm not prepared to forego martial arts for however long in order to focus solely on SS. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    If I were you, I'd dial back MA just for a month and do SS for that month. The strength gains will be good and your MA will benefit afterward from it. Then 5/3/1 would be more appropriate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    You're still capable of linear progress, so you don't need an intermediate program. You need a linear program with less volume. Have you tried the advanced novice program from PP, with light squats on Wednesdays?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I was thinking more along the lines of Justin's strength/conditioning program.

    M - Squat 3x5, Bench 3x5, Deadlift 1x5
    T - Conditioning (MA in this case)
    W - Rest
    Th - Squat 3x5, Press 3x5, Power Clean 5x3
    F - Conditioning
    Sa - Rest
    Su - Rest

    It would mean cutting back your martial arts training to 2 times per week and cutting your weight training back to 2 times per week as well, but it would allow you to recover from both. Keep in mind that your progress will be slower this way. However, if your MA training is too important to you to cut out temporarily, this program should work nicely for a while.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Spartanburg, SC


    I agree with PVC. A friend of mine does something similar, with some mods due to time restraints.

    M - Squat 3x5, Bench 3x5, Chins if time allows
    T - Conditioning (MA in this case)
    W - Rest
    Th - Squat 3x5, Press 3x5, Back Extensions if time allows
    F - Conditioning
    Sa - Deadlift 1x5 or PC 5x3 (alternated weekly) foam rolling and stretching
    Su - Rest

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sandbach, UK


    Hmm, several differing responses. I'm undecided between the responses from isis and PVC/JAM (grouped for similarity). I'll have to opt out of gzt's (thanks though) as I am essentially incapable of dialling back my MA training.

    Isis (or anyone), do you think reducing squats by 20% one day a week will have a large enough impact on lessening the training volume? That would be my main reason for leaning more towards one of the programs suggested by PVC and JAM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I've been strength training and grappling on a program similar to PVC's suggestion: two strength workouts and two grappling sessions a week. Decent results for a while.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Ninja Monk View Post
    do you think reducing squats by 20% one day a week will have a large enough impact on lessening the training volume?
    Try reducing the training volume a little, and see if it works for you. If it doesn't, reduce it more. JAM's program would be a good next step since it doesn't put squats and deadlifts on the same day. One heavy lift is a lot easier to recover from than two.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Yes definantly doing some sort of twice or once a week training method is the way to go. However mentally its probably going to be hard the first few weeks (ie your strength will probabbly drop off) however you should adapt in a few weeks as long as you don't start stacks of running or lower your diet or something. However as martial arts are unpreditable you may find one day you are feeling fresh and other days you are feeling wiped so take account for this, but still push ss and with enough food it is possible. I did at the begging of my rugby season last year by doing ss with an upper/ lower split

    mon- Powerclean and standing press
    tue - rugby practice 2-3 hours, skills, conditioning and game play
    wed- off
    thur- squats and bench and chins
    fri- opitional rugby conditioning/ Deadlift
    sun- game day either off weights or because of the nature of the game or substition sometimes I hit up some presses or even sometimes squats and

    Also i used to feel i had to be 100% going into games and practices, however lets say my bench max was 100kg on mon, i went and did 90kg 3*5 so on tue i was fatigued and could probably only do 95kg for one rep. But over time i will progress to pressing 120 for one so even after training hard on mon the next day at practice a month later i will be able to perform better knackered than fresh a month ago.

    This wrtitten really badly however Its late and i can't be bothered and got better things to do (no offense)

    Hope i could help!
    Last edited by beast; 04-25-2010 at 05:20 PM. Reason: explanation of poor writing

  10. #10


    starting strength coach development program
    The way I'm working SS is slowing down the linear progression by increasing the lifts by 10lbs per week instead of per workout. I also started out a little lighter on the baseline weights of all lifts. That way, I can continue my running hobby: 15 miles a week easy, one day of intervals on the track, and I'm planning a sprint day this week since my recovery has gone really well for the past three weeks.

    Even on this amount of work I've gained 14lbs, starting at 200lb.

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