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Thread: Pyramid model and more exercises

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Pyramid model and more exercises

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    Dear Mark,

    Are my posts lousy-they never get published on this section-can u please tell me why?

    I will hold me short:

    Regarding the pyramid model in your book of PPST:

    I grap the concept.I want to ask to how many exercises is this scheme limited?
    I have favourite lifts i want to bring up:
    squat,deads but also bench,press,row and chins.

    So I wonder if its not too much,to absorp all exercises on the same day.
    My idea would be,to skip the recovery day and make A and B sessions 3x the week:

    A:dead bench row
    B:squat chins press

    But remain of course the loading phase and peaking phase.

    What falls out is the recovery day-BUT session B can be also seen like the "Texas method recovery day",where you also include press on wednesday cause the weight is lighter as when benching- as you mentioned.
    On my B day-all exercise weights are lighter than the weight used on monday.
    So it can also be seen as a "recovery day"

    It would be more time efficient but will it still work?

    Other ideas for an advanced athlete who wants to bring all this lifts up is welcome!

    thanks-in case the post is published

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I have approved this so that you know I'm reading them. But since I have read it 3 times and have absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about, I cannot provide you with an answer. This is in lieu of deleting your post, so it would be appropriate to express some type of gratitude anyway.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Thank you for the explanation regarding my post.

    Are my questions really that weird? Seems so...

    The only point i wanted to know is, if you want to bring more lifts up,how to organize this with the pyramid model-that the seesions don?t get too long.And my idea was,to split up to A,B sessions 3xthe week that each sessioins remains not THAT long.
    The loading phase 5x5 and peaking 3x3 would remain equal.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by science View Post
    squat,deads but also bench,press,row and chins.
    So I wonder if its not too much,to absorp all exercises on the same day.
    If I'm understanding this part of your question correctly, this would be about a 3 hour workout, and you probably wouldn't be able to move for the rest of the day. (Plus you would be in Rip's doghouse because you subbed rows for cleans). Not even fluxboy could handle this stress.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    That post reminds me of how I wrote in high school. English probably isn't his first language. It wasn't mine.

    He seems to want to know how to select exercises for the pyramid model and whether the lighter day mid-week can be replaced by two days of lighter exercises done heavy. Maybe A, B, off, A, B, off, off, where A is heavy exercises like deads, etc. and B is "lighter" exercises like squats, etc.

    The answer is either a) try it and let us know how it goes or b) if you have to ask about exercise selection at the advanced level, your time would probably be better spent learning it by playing with a ready-made intermediate program like:

    I'd also suggest picking up two books: Strunk's The Elements of Style and Zinsser's On Writing Well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I may be wrong, but I think he intends to do 3 lots of A and B workouts per week. With the theory being that he can recover in the B workout as his press is less weight than his bench.

    Is there any reason to point out the problems with this?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Dude, is English your first language? Seriously weird sentence structure or lack thereof. Also have some respect for your readers, capitalization, spacing. All of that messy shit makes it hard to read.

    You are probably beating a dead horse here with three strikes and you are out - but I would suggest in the future:

    A. Posting existing recommended scheduling, for each day and yes Mark knows what it is but it will benefit readers to see what your are changing it from. And yes, I realize I may get shot down for this but most of us have read SS from front to back many times (or we better quick), but as true novices, fewer of us have made it to PP. The idea is for posts to benefit the community as a whole. Why they are not answered privately. You ask once and as a result many people get answered, less dumb repetitive questions.

    B. Then list your proposed changes/additions to it for each day so one can draw some direct comparisons and possibly answer if it will work or not. Gee it says we are supposed to do this Tuesday but no this guy wants to do this on Tuesday instead, hmmm good idea or not?

    Can't do that from what you wrote. I went to grad school with gobs of people from foreign countries. Your writing reminds me of that. You leave out a couple words/prepositions, funny spelling and we are totally screwed for getting your meaning.

    All I can say is, IMO (which counts for nothing here) a recovery day is not doing a bunch of light sets. I, like Mark, could not sort out the rest of it.

    Explain this to a lay person first, if they can understand it, it will make sense here. Get some help with writing at a community college or high school if you are a kid. Strive for clarity regardless. Your shit is totally unclear...

    Better luck next time. Assuming mine makes it here and you read this, hahaa.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Many of us on the board have tried to help you before, but no one can understand what the fuck you are talking about. maybe shorter more concise questions would get better responses.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    starting strength coach development program

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