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Thread: Form check on squats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Default Form check on squats

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi, I would like to get a form check on my squats. I am 6'0" with long shins. I am squatting to a cannister at a height of 12.8". My goal is to go to 1/2 inch below parallel. Am I there or should I go a little lower? Thanks.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Here is the link to my video:


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by dwight schrute View Post
    Here is the link to my video:

    Forum 155 will sort you out for this kind of thing.

    However they will probably bang you up for not a wide enough shot of the action. It's all a bit hard to tell honestly and I am not a SSC I might suggest a reread of the chapter and then Scope out Feigenbaum or Baraki



    Alan Thrall has a good newish video too to help you visualise.


    To my eyes:
    1. Firstly get that bucket out of the way

    2. Wider stance (maybe? probably. Hard to tell), you should be going lower - this will help and give you some bounce out of the hole

    3. Bar lower on your back (hard to tell) and elbows more inline with your torso rather than elevated, this will help your back angle which is a bit vertical looking to me - your chin is a little high focus a little lower on the wall, this will help too

    4. Back doesn't seem rigid to me, needs to be tighter and held in neutral position - chest up cue maybe would help but I bet just keeping tighter would do it - your breathing seems very intentional like you know what to do but you are not doing it hard enough for a proper valsalva - act like you are about to get punched in the gut before you descend

    Have a think about that, play around and reshoot the video then repost in the other forum, you are on the right track!

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