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Thread: djl236's log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Scranton, PA

    Default djl236's log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Starting a new log. Basic background info: Did SS, Madcow's SF Starr 5x5, and a TM program. Now I'm trying out this 4 day split from KSC geared toward powerlifting. I'd like to eventually compete raw in the 220 lbs class.

    Current Stats:
    5'11", 215lbs, about 12% bodyfat.
    Squat - 360lbs 5RM
    Bench - 240lbs 5RM
    Deadlift - 440lbs 1RM
    Press - 150lbs 3RM

    The program:

    Mon -

    Bench 5 x 5 or similar volume loading pattern - 70% of 1RM
    Upperbody Assistance work - pull ups and dips are good options

    Tues -

    Squat 5 x 5 or similar volume loading pattern - 70% of 1RM
    Rack Pulls - Rotate 1, 3, & 5RM's alternated with Goodmornings 3 x 5 every other week.


    Press 5 x 5 or similar volume loading pattern - 70% of 1RM
    Upperbody assistance - again, pull ups and dips are always good

    Fri or Sat

    Box Squats 5 x 5 - 60% of 1RM.
    Speed Deadlifts (against light bands) 10 singles @ ~60% of 1RM alternated with Powershrugs for 4 x 8 every other week.
    Back Extensions 3 x 10

    I'll make 5lbs/week jumps on the squat, box squat, good mornings, speed deads, power shrugs and 2lbs/week on the bench and press.

    Week 1
    Monday 8/24/2009

    Bench - 45x1x10
    185x5x5 - easy, felt really good

    BB Rows - 135x1x8
    205x4x8 - felt pretty good, not too hard. May jump 5lbs next week or two and then start 2lbs jumps.

    Weighted Dips
    BW + 45lbs - 1x10
    BW + 70lbs - 2x6 - harder than I thought...haven't done dips since I was under 200 lbs so I should just the weight accordingly on these.

    Weighted Pullups
    BW + 35lbs - 1x8, 1x6 - harder than I thought again, I'll start out with 25lbs and work up to make sure every rep is a deadhang pullup, no kip.
    BW + 25 lbs - 1x7 - nice.


    also, KSC, what do you think of doing illegal-wide grip bench presses for 3x8 on Thursday for upper body assistance? I mean putting the hands as far out as possible on the bar. I always feel my chest is the lacking part of my bench, since I usually fail coming back off the bottom of the movement.

    For shit's and giggle's, here's a video of me squatting 375 lbs a couple weeks ago:

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Scranton, PA


    Tuesday 8/25/2009

    Squats - 45x1x10
    280x5x5 - not too hard, but not incredibly easy. picked a good starting weight i think.

    Rack Pulls - never did these before. Kind of played around to get used to them and see what I can do.
    405x1x2 - pretty hard
    410x1x2 - really hard...maybe a 2RM?

    rested about 3-5 mins a set, maybe a little less on some sets.

    My racks suck because the 2nd part of the pull for the deadlift is my weak spot. I'm pretty good and fast off the floor, but once I get up to the knees, I slow a lot and struggle more. I know in SSBBT, Rip says its not common to have a 5RM rack pull equal to a 1RM deadlift but I don't think that'll be the case for me quite yet since this is the weaker half of my pull. I liked doing them though, and I'm definitely going to be hitting these hard to get my pull stronger from the knee up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Quote Originally Posted by djl236 View Post
    Starting a new log. Basic background info: Did SS, Madcow's SF Starr 5x5, and a TM program. Now I'm trying out this 4 day split from KSC geared toward powerlifting. I'd like to eventually compete raw in the 220 lbs class.

    Current Stats:
    5'11", 215lbs, about 12% bodyfat.
    Squat - 360lbs 5RM
    Bench - 240lbs 5RM
    Deadlift - 440lbs 1RM
    Press - 150lbs 3RM

    The program:

    Mon -

    Bench 5 x 5 or similar volume loading pattern - 70% of 1RM
    Upperbody Assistance work - pull ups and dips are good options

    Tues -

    Squat 5 x 5 or similar volume loading pattern - 70% of 1RM
    Rack Pulls - Rotate 1, 3, & 5RM's alternated with Goodmornings 3 x 5 every other week.


    Press 5 x 5 or similar volume loading pattern - 70% of 1RM
    Upperbody assistance - again, pull ups and dips are always good

    Fri or Sat

    Box Squats 5 x 5 - 60% of 1RM.
    Speed Deadlifts (against light bands) 10 singles @ ~60% of 1RM alternated with Powershrugs for 4 x 8 every other week.
    Back Extensions 3 x 10

    I'll make 5lbs/week jumps on the squat, box squat, good mornings, speed deads, power shrugs and 2lbs/week on the bench and press.

    Week 1
    Monday 8/24/2009

    Bench - 45x1x10
    185x5x5 - easy, felt really good

    BB Rows - 135x1x8
    205x4x8 - felt pretty good, not too hard. May jump 5lbs next week or two and then start 2lbs jumps.

    Weighted Dips
    BW + 45lbs - 1x10
    BW + 70lbs - 2x6 - harder than I thought...haven't done dips since I was under 200 lbs so I should just the weight accordingly on these.

    Weighted Pullups
    BW + 35lbs - 1x8, 1x6 - harder than I thought again, I'll start out with 25lbs and work up to make sure every rep is a deadhang pullup, no kip.
    BW + 25 lbs - 1x7 - nice.


    also, KSC, what do you think of doing illegal-wide grip bench presses for 3x8 on Thursday for upper body assistance? I mean putting the hands as far out as possible on the bar. I always feel my chest is the lacking part of my bench, since I usually fail coming back off the bottom of the movement.

    For shit's and giggle's, here's a video of me squatting 375 lbs a couple weeks ago:

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
    I wouldn't put them on Thursdays workout. Do 1-2 x 10-12 of them as a back off after your 5x5 shit on Monday. I for one would never fuck around with extra wide benches with my shoulder injury but they may work for you. Just be careful about going too wide.

  4. #4
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    Scranton, PA


    alright then. Maybe I'll do that. I'll see if they bother my shoulder. What do you think of 2-3 sets of incline DB for upper body assistance on Thursday then? Just trying to mix it up a little from the weighted dips on Monday.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    It think that would be fine. Just play around with it and see. I am a fan ofjust working the basic barbell lifts real hard and not much else, but targeted direct assistance work has its place. Just make sure you aren't cutting into your recuperative ability with too much work. 2-3 sets of DB Incline should be fine though.

  6. #6
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    Scranton, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by KSC View Post
    It think that would be fine. Just play around with it and see. I am a fan ofjust working the basic barbell lifts real hard and not much else, but targeted direct assistance work has its place. Just make sure you aren't cutting into your recuperative ability with too much work. 2-3 sets of DB Incline should be fine though.
    I agree with just the basic barbell lifts being worked hard. I've gotten the best results that way. Its just bench has really become very stagnant, and even regressed a little, so I think some direct assistance for that lift may just be what I need. I'm willing to give anything a chance at this point with the bench press/press to get them unstuck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Scranton, PA


    Thursday 8/27/2009

    Actually did this workout yesterday because today is my birthday and I'll be too busy drinking beer and eating a ton of bad food with my buddies.

    112x5x5 - very easy. Maybe should've picked a higher weight to start, but I know that my press gets very difficult very quick so I think this was a good pick.

    Incline DB

    Haven't done incline in a long time with DBs so I was playing around with the weight. I got a good stretch in the chest and my tri's felt worked pretty well after these and presses. Hopefully I'll get some hypertrophy in the chest too. I have a small chest and I wouldn't mind some growth to shorten the bar path distance during benching.

    Pullups - BW only. USMC PFT deadhang style

    Can still do twenty. Not as easily as when I was 165-170. Had to really work for it, but I'm pleased. 50 total pullups in 3 sets.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Kingwood TX


    Didn't know you were a former Marine. I got 20 on every PFT I ever did for 4 years except for the very last one of my career...I only got 17. That will haunt me for life. Typical Marine Corps though....I had two weeks until I got out and they still made me run a PFT!!! I think I had drank until like 430 in the morning the night before and the PFT was at 700am so that was my excuse!!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by KSC View Post
    Didn't know you were a former Marine. I got 20 on every PFT I ever did for 4 years except for the very last one of my career...I only got 17. That will haunt me for life. Typical Marine Corps though....I had two weeks until I got out and they still made me run a PFT!!! I think I had drank until like 430 in the morning the night before and the PFT was at 700am so that was my excuse!!
    lol yeah that sounds typical to make you take one. Still tho, 17 ain't bad but I know what you mean. I did 19 once on a pre-ship PFT for OCS. I was so pissed at myself. I joined in college, went through OCS, but blew out an already messed up ankle from an injury before joining (almost cut off my right foot...long story..had to get waivers to get in), ended getting the medical more running for me. Powerlifting and a metcon here and there are my ways to stay fit now.

    and i bet that run sucked way more after drinking all night.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Scranton, PA


    starting strength coach development program
    Friday 8/28/2009

    Box Squats 5x5 ramping
    warmed up with the bar (45x1x10)

    Never did box squats before. Paused at the bottom of every rep for about 2-3 seconds and then focused on exploding up. Really felt them in my quads. I had the box depth set below parallel. I liked them a lot.

    Speed Deadlifts

    Did 10 singles, with 30-33 seconds rest between each pull. Really focused on trying to explode up and pull each one faster than the previous one. I liked these a lot as well. My lower back was burning at the end.

    Back Extensions
    BW + 45lbs plate - 3x12

    My lower back took a good pounding today. Great workout. In and out very quickly.

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