Creatine does not really increase creatinine levels because you use most of it at commonly taken doses.
Does anyone have experience and/or reference to the affects of Creatine supplementation for individuals with a single kidney?
I am a 42 yo male, who had a kidney removal at 39 (due to injury). The remaining kidney function is “normal” with a slightly elevated creatanine and GFR, commensurate with a single kidney.
Thank you
Creatine does not really increase creatinine levels because you use most of it at commonly taken doses.
Thank you very much. I’m going to focus on weight gain and pushing my lifts, and was considering using Creatine to assist with that.
Also, I have really enjoyed listening to your Weights and Plates with Trent. Have a great day
Glad to hear it. Keep on it and you'll get good and strong.