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Thread: Diagnosing Silly Bullshit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Diagnosing Silly Bullshit

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    by Austin Baraki, MD, SSC

    “A charismatic speaker who can draw in your attention and trust…Prolific and confident use of highly technical, “pseudo-profound” jargon…All of this topped with a fine garnish of vaguely familiar-sounding buzzwords.”


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    GREAT article. Thanks Dr. Baraki.

    One of the problems I face in fighting bullshitters, is that obviously I don't know enough about almost any field to have a long informed discussion with an "expert". So normally I state what I dislike, provide the reasons and attempt an analysis and then I leave it there, since I can't keep talking about something I don't fully understand.

    I know this is not what the article refers to as a bullshitter, but last week I went to see my surgeon 2 months post surgery (I had a SLAP and chondral lesion) and he told me as a rehab protocol to "do lots of cardio, like biking and swimming" for 3 months. And then start lifting again. This sounded like bullshit to me, and I politely gave him a few reasons for which I didn't think it was the right approach to get back to lifting weights, but I'm not prepared to argue with a shoulder surgeon about how to rehab a shoulder to its normal function, so I won't do it. The doctor is a great guy and has been really worried about fixing me, but I don't think he has any idea as to what a proper rehabilitation plan should involve. So, I ended up not follow his recommendation and I contacted Dr. Petrizzo instead.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Good read!
    Foam rolling- BS or not?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Kane1200 View Post
    Foam rolling- BS or not?
    There will be an article.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2015


    Fun article.

    I wouldn't presume to recommend band "flossing" to anyone or to describe a therapeutic mechanism it might set in motion. I've followed the SS method since mid-August, though, and I've had the occasional bound of mild joint pain, probably caused by sloppy technique or, more likely, having had too many birthdays. At a friend's prompting, I picked up one of these giant rubber bands and have wrapped it tightly around an achy joint a few times. The result has always been immediate pain relief that lasts for a day or more. It might be placebo, but I certainly had no confidence it would work the first time I tried it. And I'll grant that I haven't been dealing with serious or chronic injuries. But bullshit or not, this one particular Starettism has worked well for me. YMMV.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Some things that helped me

    I have bad circulation problems in my legs and feet that repeatedly put me on crutches or the couch. After years of no help from lots of different providers, I broke the code. The first was to find an active release guy who could flush the swelling out of my feet. More than once I walked in on crutches and walked out without them.

    Step two was compression socks, 24x7. That reduced the swelling and the frequency of the crutches, but was not enough.

    Three was to some leg veins killed and that helped more.

    But the real coup was muscle floss. It has been months since I've been off my feet or gotten flushed. Whenever I feel my feet going off, which is about daily, I floss and am good to hike or run or whatever.

    I don't think it's placebo, because I tried many of the other supposed remedies for my problem with zero success, nor have they helped with any other maladies. FWIW.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Kane1200 View Post
    Foam rolling- BS or not?
    Everyone's mileage may vary.
    I like foam rolling in the morning. It 'loosens' me up better than walking or stretching. I'll also admit it doesn't have any lasting effect. What I really use are Jill Miller's yoga balls. Her book is full of all the buzz words in the BS article so the science is probably a bit fluffy. However if massage works for you then so will the yoga balls. Additionally the yoga balls have several advantages over a masseuse: they are cheaper, you can use them daily, and you pick the sore spot and the intensity. Jill shows you how to get to all the muscles some of which you didn't know were sore until you rolled on them. The yoga balls are cheap ($12) and you can check out the book (The Roll Model) from the library so there is little financial risk to try them out. But if interested you do want her yoga balls as they are more functional than tennis or lacrosse balls. Just be aware that her 'science' is high on the bullshit scale. The balls work because it's just massage, but if your not careful you can spend $100 on her website.

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