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Thread: I've read everything and am still confused!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York, NY

    Default I've read everything and am still confused!

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Please help.

    I'm 5'10, 47, 207lbs or so.
    DL 1RM: 365
    SQ 1RM: 295
    BP 1RM 195
    OHP 1RM 125

    I'm kinda doing things backwards. I discovered Wendler before Rippetoe. So, I actually did 5/3/1 from August through Jan. I decided to go back to basics and do Starting Strength a couple weeks ago. I completely trust the program and want to make sure I am following it perfectly. I have actually read all the books, but the information gets overwhelming. I have also read "A Clarification." But I am still confused.

    I have no problem with programming the weight training, but my problem is figuring out fat loss, I've got a serious belly and that makes me unhappy.

    I know I'm too old and fat for GOMAD. I think I'm eating right and have witnessed a couple pounds of weight loss. But should I be doing ANY cardio/HIIT/MetCon? Or just do the 3 day/week linear programming? I know I have contradictory goals: strength gains and fat loss, so should I just focus on strength gain for now?

    I know that this question has been asked a million times before, but I'm not sure I've seen it in regards to someone in my exact situation. Yes - I am a special snowflake. I've been all over the boards but there is so much on here. Can someone help, or at least direct me to somewhere that addresses this?

    Or am I just a dope, and should shut up and train 3x a week. Eat right and not worry?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    You could drop conditioning for a while if you want to maximize your progress on SS. Since you have a decent base of strength you can probably switch to another program sooner than a novice would. Then if your priority is conditioning and fat loss pick a program conducive to that goal.
    Otherwise you could try to fit a little conditioning into the novice program and stay on it a little longer.

    Either way, you will eventually want to get in some good conditioning. I do interval training once or twice a week and six rounds a week on the heavy bag.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Baltimore, md


    My advice will run contrary to most - I like the program but have, by no means, drank the Kool Aid. I believe you are a special snowflake - do what works for you.

    Nobody here is "turning pro' - maybe some will compete but, for the most part, we are doing this to get in better shape, get strong, and live out our senior years as best we can. Grab a program you like and work in the conditioning you like. For example, I hate running, treadmills, rowing, etc. I push the prowler as my conditioning or so do some high rep weight training. If you sacrifice 20 or 30 pounds ( ore even more, for that matter) off your major lifts in the next year or two by mixing in cardio, who cares? Especially if it means the women dig you better....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    You are 5'10" and weigh 207 pounds and you lift what you do and you think you are fat? I'm 5' 10" and weigh 210 and cannot lift what you lift and I'm not fat. Who's been telling you that you are fat? Whoever it is get them out of your life.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Be patient. You are still relatively young and can improve your 1RM's. Eat with some moderation, do some conditioning twice a week, and keep on keepin' on with the weights.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Garage Gym


    Quote Originally Posted by old guy View Post
    My advice will run contrary to most - I like the program but have, by no means, drank the Kool Aid. I believe you are a special snowflake - do what works for you.

    Nobody here is "turning pro' - maybe some will compete but, for the most part, we are doing this to get in better shape, get strong, and live out our senior years as best we can. Grab a program you like and work in the conditioning you like. For example, I hate running, treadmills, rowing, etc. I push the prowler as my conditioning or so do some high rep weight training. If you sacrifice 20 or 30 pounds ( ore even more, for that matter) off your major lifts in the next year or two by mixing in cardio, who cares? Especially if it means the women dig you better....
    ^ This. I have always done a mix of things, and it's worked pretty well. (never the SS program)
    Last edited by Meshuggah; 03-21-2015 at 05:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Just eat clean, do the program (you will soon need to go to 2X week squat), run out linier progression for as long as you can. As you get stronger and gain muscle, the belly will take care of itself. Think a year down the road, not what you looked like six weeks ago vs. today.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York, NY


    Quote Originally Posted by carson View Post
    You are 5'10" and weigh 207 pounds and you lift what you do and you think you are fat? I'm 5' 10" and weigh 210 and cannot lift what you lift and I'm not fat. Who's been telling you that you are fat? Whoever it is get them out of your life.
    Thanks, but the mirror tells me I am. Frigging gut hanging over my belt. Not going for a 6 pack by any means but I figure I'm ~28% bodyfat.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York, NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    Be patient. You are still relatively young and can improve your 1RM's. Eat with some moderation, do some conditioning twice a week, and keep on keepin' on with the weights.
    Thanks. Oh and I have some pretty serious 1RM goals. Deadlifting comes easy to me (so far).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    starting strength coach development program
    Good. Set your goals high when you can get them. At age 40 my best DL was 405 with very bad form. I was 5'11" and weighed around 185 in those days.

    I am now 64 and still 5'11" and picked up some pounds over the decades at 255+. After Rip and Company fixed my form a couple of years ago my best gym DL was 425 and my bets competition lift has been 405.

    You have potential for improvement at your age I suspect. At this point in my life, I am trying to hang on to what I have achieved.

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