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Thread: Questions after reading Starting Strength and Practical Programming

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Default Questions after reading Starting Strength and Practical Programming

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    1. I've been liftin for about 4 years now. Before injury my PRs were 70kg ohp, 110kg bench, 160kg squat and 230kg deadlift. 19 years old 86kg bodyweight. Now im much ligher and weaker. Would i be better off with starting SS or Texas method?

    2. If one starts his lifting career with too advanced programs, introducing himself to too much volume and bodybuilding techniques like dropsets and supersets, advanced periodization. Can he compromise his long term future gains potentials?

    3. As far as i know. after workout protein synthesis is elevated for 24-48 hours. Does this number change when athlete advances from novice to intermediate etc?

    4. I understand that novice status ends when one can't increase weights every workout, not when he reaches certain training age or certain PR number. But for General population, doing everything properly, what PRs can be achieved in what time?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    1. SS

    2. Yes and no. Anyone can switch to a strength based programme and make progress, but some adaptation will/may have occurred, preventing the "full milking" of the novice LP. Much more theoretical, mind you. Anyone can get strong.

    3. Don't know; doubt it. Search function (or library).

    4. Gen pop can achieve w/e they want to achieve if they put the time and effort into it. For specifics, maybe peruse the testimonials and training logs.

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